Stalin nostalgia in Russia

Dec 21, 2009 17:38

Сегодня исполняется 130 лет со дня рождения И.В.Сталина - самого кровавого диктатора в истории после Мао Цзэдуна (Гитлер на третьем месте). Предлагаю посмотреть небольшой документальных фильм "Ностальгия по Сталину", снятый австралийским телевидением. Авторы беседуют с россиянами - с поклонниками Сталина, в том числе молодыми, и с жертвами сталинских репрессий.

130 years ago on this day was born Josef Stalin, the blodiest dictator of all times after Mao (Hitler is on the third place).

He turned Russia into a giant concentration camp, killing tens of millions of people. So why do so many Russians regard him as a hero?

"He's the man who created our country. How can you not love him?" proclaims one elderly lady. "He was just, honest. When he died, we were all crying." Stalin has long been admired by the older generation, who grew up in a world where the Soviet Union was respected and feared. The difference now is that some of their grandchildren agree. "For me, he's the figure who played the greatest role in the 20th century," states 23 year old Alexei Sidorov. For the first time in decades, new statues of Stalin are going up. Streets and parks are being named after him and there's fresh interest in his life. But that's angering as many Russians as it's pleasing. "Stalin, in my opinion, shouldn't be remembered at all," states Joe Glazer. He was arrested in one of Stalin's purges and sent to the gulags. But increasingly he finds himself in a minority. "People need a hero," explains human rights worker Grigory Shvedov. For todays Russians, a strongman like Stalin is just what the country needs.

Produced by ABC Australia. See it on Youtube:

According to the newspaper Novye Izvestia, 35% of Russia's population think of Stalin positively, while about the same number have a negative opinion. Young people are mostly indifferent.

ussr, :stalin, russians, russia

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