Last two weeks in Finland (weeks 20 & 21)

May 27, 2009 16:54

В последние две недели я не ходил на курс финского, а читал книгу по лингвистике для вступительного теста университета Åbo Akademi.

The Finnish course continued for one more week and a half, but I did not attend it.

I got the book on linguistics, which I had ordered from another town via the local library. I was to study this book for the entrance test of Åbo Akademi.

The book is called Språkets enhet och mångfald (The unity and diversity of the language). It is written by Östen Dahl, professor of Stockholm University. The book is about 300 pages long and is intended for bachelor students of languages, so it is not complicated, although chapter 13 (The architecture of language) is much longer and heavier than others. I read the book completely and made a summary of each chapter.

I mainly read this book and packed my things. Fortunately, I was allowed to keep my belongings in the school during summer. I have applied for studies to many places and I do not know where I am going to study next autumn. I have no address in Finland during the summer, but I need to keep my stuff somewhere.

The school officially closed on 20 May, but I got permission from the principal to stay in the school until the end of the week, because on Monday, 25 May, I was to take the test in Helsinki.

For the Finnish course at school they gave me a certificate with the mark ”excellent”.

åbo akademi, me, books, lärkkulla

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