Week 46: a Health Day

Nov 16, 2008 16:19

Главным событием недели был День здоровья, который наша группа провела для школы. Я был ответственен за рассказ о сахаре и за упражнения на растягивание.

The main event of the week was the Health Day held in the school. Our group had been charged with the task of making the programme for the most of that day.

It was a very difficult task, because the people in our group, including me, did not have experience in making activities for others. We did not know what we could present and how. A lot of time was spent on the preparation during our regular classes, but the things did not seem to progress. At one time the relations between me and some of the students severely deteriorated, though in the end we could find a common language.

We got a lot of support from our teachers, James and Sussi, though I think the planning should have been done somehow more efficiently (the plan was made over and over again), and thus several days could have been saved for the study of tourism.

Finally, on 13 November, came the great day. Each of us made a few activities for other students the school. A few teachers also participated as clients, and in total there were about 25 people. In the programme were African games, making coconut oil, meditation (it was done by a specialist invited from Helsinki), yoga, a healthy drink, etc. As for me, I made a talk about harmful effects of eating sugar and showed stretching exercises. I also participated in group activities, such as African games.

Also this week I made a presentation for the group about Russian cinema.

And on Monday I was called to the police for an interrogation about my failure to extend my residence permit properly. I will write about it separately.

P.S. I forgot to mention that a new student joined our group. Her name is Gelana and she is originally from Russia. Her daughter, Veronika, also studies in our school. Both Gelana and Veronika have been living for a long time in Finland, and they speak good Swedish and Finnish.

health, axxell, me

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