I would vote for Barack Obama

Nov 04, 2008 21:23

Я бы хотел, чтобы на выборах в США победил Барак Обама. Так будет лучше для социальной справедливости в Америке, международной безопасности и сохранения окружающей среды.

I am following the US elections and hope that Barack Obama wins.

Both candidates are better than the current one. However, for America and the world Obama promises a much more positive alternative.

At present the US suffers acute social problems. Forty million of Americans cannot afford health insurance. Of the two candidates, only Barack Obama is going to introduce a comprehensive national health insurance coverage, which will include all children. To stop a widening gap between the rich and the poor, Obama intends to abolish tax relief for households earning over $ 250 000, introduced by George Bush. McCain, however, wants to preserve it.

It is also time for America to elects its first black president after forty-three white ones. If Obama is elected president, it will be the best proof that the blacks and other minorities in the USA have really achieved full rights as citizens. This victory would greatly contribute to racial and ethnic peace.

Obama wants a more strict control of weapon ownership, than McCain, which would make the USA a safer country for all those who live there.

As for the rest of the world, Obama will rather cooperate and negotiate with it, than threaten it with the use of military force. However, McCain is much harder on the KGB mafia in Russia, so I think that he would be more suitable to deal with that particular country.

Obama is also a preferable candidate for the environmental protection. He is not only against oil drilling in the Arctic, as McCain, but also against drilling in the coastal areas. Unlike McCain, Obama is cautious about using nuclear energy and prefers renewable sources.

In summary, Barack Obama is clearly a preferable candidate. His election will make America and the world more equitable and peaceful.

:mccain, usa, democracy, me, :obama

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