First week of studies

Sep 07, 2008 13:28

В течение первой недели мы изучали общие понятия о туризме. Кроме этого у нас было занятие по компьютерным навыкам. Я также сходил на урок немецкого языка для шведскоговорящих.

During the past week we've had mostly classes of Tourism Activities, as well as one class of Tourism Theory and one of Computer Skills.

In the Tourism Activies class with James we learned about basic concepts of tourism and about tourism in Finland. We also started to prepare the trip to Archipelago, which will take place in the third week (then I will probably be in Sweden).

The first class of Tourism Theory (with a different teacher) was about tourism history. I had already read about it, but I hope there will be new things for me later on.

In the Computer Skills class we were told about general rules for using computers at the school, got personal accounts and did a small exercise in Word. The study is going to be personalised, so I expect to learn new programmes, such as PhotoShop.

I also went to a class of German for beginners. This course is for Swedish speakers, so of our group only I went there. I am not sure whether I will continue it, because one class of the two per week coincides with Tourism Activities and besides the textbook costs 46 euro.

As for classes of Finnish and Swedish, they will start from the next week.

For the time being we get little homework, that's why I am also studying on my own.

I have borrowed a few books the school library. The library is small, but it has many books on tourism and languages. I have started to read a textbook on tourism and a book about Swedish idioms.

I've also borrowed books from the local library in Pargas. About half of the books there are in Swedish, which means that they are accessible for me, unlike the mostly Finnish-language books in Tampere libraries. From the Pargas library I am studying a textbook of German.

We are still six in the group, but next week may come one or two more students.

As for general practicalities, life here is well arranged. In the cellar of the hostel there is a laundry and a drying room, and on the ground floor there is a common room with a TV and a cooking corner with dishes, casseroles and a fridge.

The past week, from Monday till Friday, I ate all meals at the school (2 euros each). The food is good, but for me it is a bit too dry and spicy. As a Russian, I am used to soups and kashas. So next week I will eat just lunches and cook other meals myself.

food, axxell, studies, me, books

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