So today I played a game called Libby battles consumerism: two steps forward, one step back. I've been actively working towards becoming a more aware consumer. I have been buying locally, organic, and fair trade goods whenever possible. I look at lables when I shop. I am working to cut back on the excess and to repurpose what I already have. This is all stuff that has long been important to me, but I decided this winter that I still wasn't doing enough.
That said, It's been really eye opening for me to see that sometimes unanticipated purchases pop up. Earlier in the month my ipod was stolen. I haven't replaced it yet and I don't plan to for a while because I am making do with an older hand-me-down model, which is just fine for now. My computer is shitting the bed.
Most importantly, my cellphone wasn't holding a charge anymore. Even if I didn't make a single call, the battery was draining almost to completion by mid-afternoon after only being unplugged that morning. So I had to get a new phone. As much as I would like to be less dependent on my phone, I live in two places. I don't have a "home" phone because I am all over the place. I decided to spend a little bit of money today because I have had a couple of weeks of strictly saving due to the wallet theft.
It didn't take much to talk me into the LG Dare, cause it's pretty damn kickass. It's essentially verizon's answer to the 3g iphone.
I should be sleeping but i'm playing with my phone. My new userpic has long been my cellphone's wallpaper, but using lj's mobile pix messaging, I decided to make it my default icon for a bit. Lemme know what you think.