Scared of flying...

Jan 05, 2007 22:28

Yeah ok so most of the last few days has been packing, packing, packing!!! 
I packed everything that I need except my paperwork (including passport), toiletries, electronics (phone & ipod) & money! Which will all be going in my EF backpack. So yay! & the little things like hair ties and hair straightener are waiting til Monday night/Tuesday morning too.

I hate baggage limits. Hatehatehate. Stupid domestic Qantas flight! I have to pay extra baggage for it coz  we're only supposed to take one suitcase! Screw them! I'm taking my two 22.5kg suicases and two 7kg peices on hang luggage! DIE BAGGAGE LIMITS!!!

Went to the Hyperdome today with Ki and we went bowling! Twas fun... she took pics of me bowling like a retard! I got a score of 1 like 6 times coz we didn't have bumpers... I even got a 0!!! Hahaha! After I got one of my 1's I got two strikes in a row... haha random much!

Work tonight was ghey! The wait time was heaps long and so many people complained. I hate nights like that!

Anyway have to go help ice cakes and such for my Bon Voyage party on Sunday so best be going!!!

And as I was made aware of today. In just over 8 days I will be with my host family! Eep!

Love you all and will talk soon!
      xx Love Yazzi xx
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