I know, I know... it's REALLY late, but I still feel the need to tell you all about Noelle's trip up here. She has, and since I'm a BAD BAD BAD updater, I think I should also tell you. I remember much of it as if it were yesterday even though it was a little over 8 weeks ago.
On the Saturday morning I woke up REALLY early and mum and I drove to the airport. The roads were really quiet, I guess because everyone was sleeping in heh, so we got there in about 20 minutes when we'd allowed like... an hour. So we just hung around the airport and went to the gift shops and through the metal detectors... all that stuff. Then we waited at the lounge and laughed at the random names of the shops while we waited for Noelle's flight to get in.
I'd made this really bright sign at about 2am that morning because I was so excited that I couldn't sleep! So I was holding it in my hand all scared coz I thought Noelley would think I was a dork *is embarassed* &&& then it was time for her plane to come in and I was looking out for Noelle, but I didn't see her before she came up the ramp and then I was like *eyes open and Yazzi starts spazzing on the inside* and we ran up to each other and I gave her the biggest huggle ever!!! :D Then she gave me my birthday present and I opened it and it was 2 CDs [Cute Is What We Aim For & Boys Like Girls] and a REALLY CUTE TEDDY! [Which I huggle every night now... thankyou Noelley!] Then we went downstairs to baggage claim and were a little bit quiet. I think it was still sinking in that we'd finally met each other. It was really kinda surreal!
Anyway, after we got Noelle's bags we walked out to the car and we started talking a little bit more and on the way back to my place we played the Boys Like Girls cd and talked about their songs and some other random things. Maybe it was about idol... and how we liked Mutto heh. Then we got home and had something little to eat and watched the Simple Plan dvd... but I'm not sure how much of it you remember Noelle... you kept drifting off I think. But it was still funny *nods* Then we went into my room and talked about more stuff and she looked at all the posters on my wall and wrote in my friends file... [which someone fucking lost] and then we went up to garden city and got cheap tickets from the racq office for dreamworld. Then... we came home and hung out for a while... sent off some messages, were random, talked of random things and went to beddy bye's early.
Next morning we got up and straightened our hair *nods* lol. And gotted ready to go to DREAMWORLD! Yay! Noelley's been there more than I have which is quite sad considering how many thousand miles closer I am to it than her. But we went on the big 5 thrill rides and other random ones like the log one where we got ABSOLUTELY SOAKED!!! OMG! Hahaha, it was ghey! But still lots of fun and we were very random all day *nods* I'm not sure whether for me it was hyperactivity due to tiredness or not though lol. But we had loads of fun and were starting to talk to each other a lot more freely about different things. We took a few random snaps near the pretty tigers cages and decided that my camera was being a bitch so we would use hers for the rest of the pics we were gonna take with each other. Heh... here are some of the pics we took there:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/NoelleyYaz.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/NoelleYaz2.jpgAnd when we were sick of all the rides we sat down and had something to drink and then went through all the shops and decided that we should go to the booth where you take those pics and are all stupie! hehehe so that was fun! & we got half the stickers each! Tehehehe.
After mum picked us up she drove us to the unit we have at Burleigh and we got ready to go out... we were heading to Jono's gig! We got there just after the time we thought it was starting... but NO, it was wrong and he was already half done. Lol. He was really sweet though, he told us what was going on and everything and how long it should be until he was finished re-recording the stuff and it would be on cds for us to hear. Then we asked him if he was in touch with Adam and he said no so Noelle and I decided we needed to start a campaign lol. After his last set he came over and apparently the guys around the bar wanted to know if he knew me or something and would introduce me to them hahaha! It was quite amusing and made me feel special! Karley was there too so it was really nice to catch up with her :) Then Jono took us all behind the bar and we got pics with him and as a group.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/NoelleYaz.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/KarleyJonoYazNoelle.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/JonoYazNoelle.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/JonoYaz.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/JonoYaz.jpgSo later on that night we got home and neither of us felt like going to sleep so we looked at the pics and decided that after we talked for about 2 or so hours that we needed to take some photos! You have no idea how long it took us to take some good pics! OMG! But seriously we had SO much fun doing it and it was probably the most I'd laughed in AGES! Mum must have thought we were insane hahaha. I think we spent a good 1 and a half --> 2 hours just randomly taking pics and hoping they turned out well lol. And if they didn't we'd roll on the floor laughing... literally. Tehehe. I guess you had to be there.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/twinnies3.jpgAnd after that we talked for longer before we realised it was nearly 3am and we should probably get some sleep.
Next day we got up LATE. Lol, we went to some shops and bought a few random things, but there wasn't that much there. So we ended up going back to the unit and then we walked around this path thing to Telebudgera creek and took some pics there and wrote a message in the sand for Cat. It was really nice and we sat there talking for a bit and looking at the pics we had deciding on our favourites. Here are some of the pics we took on the beach from my camera:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley7.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v603/YaZzImIn/YazNoelley8.jpgThe rest of the pics were on Noelle's camera.
So we walked home and by the time we got back mum wanted to go for a walk so we went the other way pretty much all the way to the headland and it was REALLY cold so we were pretty quiet, but the beach and waves were so calm that it was really nice. We got home and had dinner ready just in time to watch idol. Hehe. Yes, we did watch it!
It's seriously amazing how much we think alike, especially with all the contestants on idol this year. It was crazy! Heh. But yeah we talked about a lot before we went to sleep and looked through our pics about a thousand times... I'm surprized that the batteries didn't run out lol. We decided that to find Adam we would have to make a "Where is Adam Ray?" myspace page... but we never really got around to the deatils of it, just that we should add all the zinc fans we knew on myspace as well as jono and mark. Lol. Eventually we settled down and went to sleep and I lie there thinking about how fast it was going and I wanted to spend so much more time with her so it was really sad!
So we had to get up and get ready pretty early Tuesday morning considering coz we had to go home for mum to play tennis with the ladies in the morning. We hung out upstairs and put my pics on the computer and talked to Felicity coz she wanted to meet up with Noelle. Unfortunately we didn't get it organised in time so it didn't happen, and Noelle and I just bummed around the house until it was time for her to go home.
We drove to the airport and waited for the plane to board. It was kinda sad, coz I was just really starting to get to know Noelle in person and I felt like our time had been cut short and it needed to go for another few days. But another part of me knew that if she'd stayed a day longer that it would have been that much harder for her to leave.
I had so much fun with you Noelle and I wish you could have stayed longer... or I wish I could have come back down with you that next week. Heck... I wish I was in Bendigo with you now. I miss you twinnie! I love you so much! I wanna see you before I go to Canada-land next year, otherwise you have to promise you'll come visit! As soon as I get enough cash when I'm back home I'm definately gonna make the treck down and see you!
Love the child you all like to call Yazzi.
--- BTW: Sorry that the pics are being stupie and don't wanna add. You can see them by clicking the links. Hopefully they will work!
I will be updating constantly until all this stuff is up to date. I am over a term behind which is quite sad. But rest assured within the next few days and weeks you should be getting the normal updates every few days, or if i've gone down the coast every week when i'm home for work.
Oh... and you guys will be the first to know when I get a host family for exchange.
Love you all, Yazzi xx