They are though. LOL.
We (my sis and I) got to the venue around 2:20pm and there weren’t actually that many people there, so we got a really good place in line. And pretty much the minute we’d sat down I was already hot and sweaty and my head was burning (I forgot to bring a hat) and I was like, ugh I have to put up with this for 5 hours. I’d given my sister this fabric bag I have for her to carry her phone in, so she had that on top of her head as shade and I had nothing and was dying lol. So at around 3 I wandered over to the merch stand to buy something to put on my head, but they weren’t open yet, but I went back at 4 and got my sis a white AAR hoody and myself one of the FOB bear ones (even though everyone was buying it, I still wanted it) So for the rest of our wait in line I wore the hood of my sisters jumper on my head to protect me from the sun. I looked so stupid but whatever. And during our wait in line, we drank lots of water, my sister went and got slushies (mmmm yum) and we managed to venture off to the toilets a few time so it was all good.
Anyhoo, at around 6 the line moved forward towards the actually entrance and there were maybe 50 people in front of us. But then there were the early entrance people as well. They went in at 6.30, then we got in at 7.15. When we got to the standing area we were about 5 rows from the front to the right side. So we kind of had to stand at an angle to see the stage properly. And omg, there were these really stupid girls standing sort of beside but behind me. And one of the girls kept screaming and thrashing her arms around yelling “GIVE ME SOME SPACE GUYS.” And then she was pushing and shoving trying to get to the front and I’m like, “orly now?” But she was so annoying because she had so much room around herself but she was dry humping me and like suffocating me.
Then Hey Monday came on stage and srsly, there were so many Hey Monday fangirls and fanboys. But I’m negl, Hey Monday are frikking adorable. As much as I dislike their music and think it all sounds the same, they were cute. Cassadee was just hudhafjdshafjd, and the boys were so damn qt irl. They kept coming over to our side and posing for pictures, but I was too busy being squished by fangirls to get my camera out of my bag. Anyway, their set wasn’t as terribly bad as I’d anticipated haha.
Then AAR came on, and those annoying girls behind me started hyperventilating and thrashing all over the place yelling, (and I’m not even joking) “OMG FUCK ME. OMG FUCK ME IN THE ASS. OMG.” Yes, really. But you know, Tyson is a sexy beast so... LOL. But really, the AAR were so good. I remember once on TV I saw them playing and they sucked, really bad. But they’ve improved so I applaud them. And lololol Tyson was wearing blue skinnies (omg blue skinnies) and they kept falling down and showing his crack. And I was like LOL I C TYSONS ASSSSSSS. So yay they were awesome, except this girl behind me (another one) had her elbow in my back the whole time, and at one point she actually grabbed my arm and was trying to throw me out of her way. So I was like, hell no bitch.
Oh and in all this mess, me and my sis ended up in the 3rd row. But then in the break before FOB were to come out, about 10 people somehow managed to shove past the people beside me and ended up in front of me, and I got pushed back to the 4th row, and my sister got pushed forward to the 2nd row. So I was reaching out to her and holding her hand, the guy who had pushed between us just looked at us and obv didn’t give a fuck and he wouldn’t let me through so I could stand with my sister (who is a skinny littler fucker and was fully sandwiched between all these people)
Anyways, after a while these guys came out to pull off the back curtain to reveal the FOB logo, but the curtain wouldn’t come off fully, and was just hanging there so it said “FALL BOY” and it was hilarious for some reason. So this dude had to climb up onto the lights and pull it off. Then FOB came out and people went psycho crazy. And they played Thanks for the Memories first and yayyy. But sucks for us because we were on Pete’s side and I could barely see Patrick. I probably only got a few glimpses of him in the whole show. =[ =[ Sadface. And I had to keep looking at my sister to make sure I didn’t lose her, and then this fucking fat guy in this like 20s or something was pushing himself right up against her and his shoulder was between the two of us and I kept telling him to fuck off and he just kept smirking and shaking his head. He was such a fucking asshole seriously omg. And then he kept trying to push me out of the way and I was like, are you fucking serious? And my poor sis, she was stuck between that fat bastard and some other obese chick who was shoving and squishing everyone against the barrier. But anyhoooooooooo, I just held my sis’s hand and stood my ground and tried to watch the show lol.
They pretty much just played all the singles, plus Honey is for Bees, Headfirst slide, and Disloyal Order. And about half an hour from the end I started feeling really sick, like I was going to puke. I think it was probably due to the fact I hadn’t eaten anything since noon, and we’d been sat out in the sun for 5 hours. So I had to drag my sister out of the pit and when we got onto the sidelines, there was this girl and this really, really, I mean really, hot guy in the seats. And the girl put her hand out for a high five, so I high fived her, then the guy put his hand out and I high fived him. I think maybe they were congratulating us on staying in the pit for so long idk. (because heaps of people had left the pit before us) So we went outside for fresh air and water, and I think they were playing America’s Suitehearts at this point. Then when we went back inside, we just stood at the back. And honestly, the view we had from the back was way better than the one we’d had at the front lol. They played Dead on Arrival then Saturday and then it was overrrrrrr.
And when we got to my car I had the joys of trying to work my dad’s navigation system which was refusing to work for me. And I started throwing a fit at it, and the guy in the car beside me kept looking at me because I wasn’t reversing and I’m thinking, fuck off I’m trying to get this thing to work. And then I tried to reverse, but couldn’t because the fucker had parked his car wayyy too close to mine, so I had to reverse a bit then got forward again so I could get away from his car and omg. And then the nav system was like “turn left then turn left” so I turned the first left, then suddenly the things like “Turn right” and I’m like BUT YOU TOLD ME TO TURN LEFT AGAIN AND NOW I CAN’T TURN RIGHT BECAUSE I’M IN THE LEFT LANE. And omg, the thing kept telling me to turn into roads just as I was passing them so I didn’t have enough time to prepare and jfdahfdjs. It was the middle of the night and I was driving somewhere I’d never driven before and I was so scared of getting lost. But we made it home eventually hahaha. And then I couldn’t sleep because I felt sick and my head was still ringing rofl. But it’s all good now.
Now I can’t wait until Soundwave woowoo.
Some crappy photies: