That'll teach her!

Mar 07, 2009 21:19

Mummy carted us off to the v-e-t-s yesterday here in Amesbury so I could have a post-hoperative check up because the nurse in Gloucester said we should.

The vet poked at me and prodded at me, peered at my stitches then shoved a huge THING up my bottom! (THUMPTHUMPTHUMP). I was not impressed.

Then Jasper and I were both weighed. I came in at 2.82Kg...nowhere near Teddy's impressive weight (how much do you weigh now, my handsome bun in black?). Jasper came in at a somewhat smaller 2.28Kg and is subsequently worrying about his weight again and has proceeded to eat two whole bowls of mix in a day.

After this prodding and poking the v-e-t said we were fine and could go home. I'm still not allowed my usual run of the house for another 6 days but the v-e-t conceeded to me my playpen, so long as I'm not too active and boisterous. Me...boisterous? I don't climb over my playpen, got the wrong bun there!

Looking the picture of innocence I climbed back into our travel carrier and mummy took us to the front desk whereupon she nearly fainted after receiving the bill..

£27 for 5 minutes in the v-e-t-s.

I think I have adequately discouraged her from taking me there except for when I feel the need to go in the future. I'd call this a successful mishun of v-e-t sabotage!

--0067 Yazmina (still tired from furcut)
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