Jun 15, 2007 08:47
So I'm going to be seeing two movies today. One client wants to see Surf's up. Fuck! I thought I was going to be able to stay away from that one. The other, the fantastic four silver surfer. Yay. So basically after doing lunches and dinners and movies I'm off work. I have to get an oil change at somepoint today as well. I just filled up my tank. 30 buckeroos! Jesus. Oh well I haven't had a full tank in a while. I went to Rachele's last night and we talked and shit. She was pissed because she went to see 300 at the Imax theater and the ticket was $14.50. She made me laugh because she said for that much she was hoping the seat at least vibrated but no go. I'm pissed about this skin cleanser I got. I have nice skin usually to begin with. This shit is making me break out. What the fuck is that about? I don't know why I ocntinue to use it, I break out everytime. Great. Just when I'm about to see my woman. Nice. I found a tick on Norton's ear last night. My mom got it out and I popped the tick burning it with a lighter. It was disgusting. Rachele's friend has lyme disease. He took pictures of the mark it made. It left a huuuuge giant red circle on his back. Like it covered the entire back. I guess it makes you feel really tired and soar or something. Yikes. I'm more disturbed by knowing there is a bug in my skin....so yeah anyway change subject.
I cannot wait until tomorrow. I miss her so much.