Jun 05, 2006 04:34
i'm really horrible at titles. i realized that everybody usually has a song lyric or a poetic line or a one word cool thing. no, mine are obvious. so yes it is 4:34 and i really wanted to post. i don't even have anything interesting to say and this will probably be one of those posts where people are like "nah, i won't comment, i gots mo' to do" or "what can i comment?". well fuck you for not commenting. i gots my simon and garfunkel chillin in the backround anyway :D.
i havent showered in technically 2 days now. my stomach hurts and my eyes hurt from squinting in the dark. my feet hurt from staying up too late (it happens), and generally i feel like shit. but hey, that has never stopped ol' mary beth from writing a live journal entry.
summer has really been great. i've been making a point to make it great. that's definitely something i've learned this year. don't wait for something to be good..make it good.
mhm, so i think i shall pull an all-nighter. or attempt.
see you all later