San Diego Comic Con, CA

Jul 03, 2013 11:14

Here is where to find me at this year’s San Diego Comic Con July 18th-21st


Signing copies of Astronaut Academy at :01 First Second Booth #1323


CBLDF Presents: Raising a Reader
Join an all-star panel of kids comics creators and educators to discuss ways to get children excited about reading, encouraging creativity, and cultivating a love of literature using great graphic novels and comics for younger readers. Panelists include: Jennifer & Matthew Holm (Babymouse), Kazu Kibuishi (Amulet), Raina Telgemeier (Smile), Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy), Alex Fajardo (Peanuts), Charles Brownstein (CBLDF), Meryl Jaffe (Johns Hopkins University). Q&A to follow. Room 30 CDE


10:00 - 11:00am
Kids - Comics in Action! - Comics Battle! Before your very eyes, some of your favorite comics creators - Jeffrey Brown (Star Wars Jedi Academy); Matt Holm (Babymouse); Kazu Kibuishi (Amulet); Rhode Montijo (Gum Girl); Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy), and Raina Telgemeier (Drama) - will compete in an action-packed, high-stakes, no holds-barred drawing championship for your approval! Who will win? It’s up to you to pick the best comics! Room 7AB

11:30-12:30 I’ll be in the Autograph Area AA09 for a post panel signing. Copies of Astronaut Academy and Teen Boat! should be available from local book shop, Mysterious Galaxy to purchase.

1-2pm All-Ages Comics Have Arrived
Quality all-ages comics are back and better than ever! We’re not just talking about “kids” comics, we’re talking about amazing comics that can be enjoyed by young, old, and everyone in between. KaBOOM! editor Shannon Watters conducts a lively conversation with all-ages creators Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani (Aw Yeah! Comics, Tiny Titans), Mike Kunkel (Herobear and the Kid), Raina Telgemeier (Smile, Drama), Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy) and Nate Cosby (Cow Boy) about this phenomenal resurgence! Room 24ABC

3:00-4:00 Publisher’s Weekly: What’s Next for Graphic Novels in Libraries-Graphic novels have become one of the hottest categories in libraries nationwide, with reader requests driving more and more libraries to acquire significant collections. Join Publishers Weekly Comics World’s Heidi MacDonald as she explores the latest developments, including content challenges, digital lending, collection development, how authors can connect with libraries, the rise of comics for younger readers and what Common Core will mean for the whole field. With Eva Volin (Alameda Free Library),Karen Green (Columbia University), Josh Elder (Reading with PIctures), Scott Robins (Toronto Public LIbrary, A Parent’s Guide to the Best Kids’ Comics), and Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy) Room 32AB

Mirrored from it's yaytime!.

conventions, san diego

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