I'm fully aware that things are kinda shitty right now. Thanks. I haven't been reading the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe online, the New York Times, and the Vindy for like... months or anything. Not at all.
So if anyone else would like to tell me in a sheep-like fashion that this is the worst job market for journalists they've seen (in thirty years) (since 1976...) in a long-ass time, or that journalists themselves are part of every societal problem, I would like to invite you all at large to:
1) Push your collective hair (wool) out of your face (eyes, you stupid sheep) and see that if you paid the slightest bit of attention or demanded even the smallest bit of accountability while you were all doped to your retinas in the 1970's, coked out of your minds in the 80's, and busy denying it all ever happened in the 90's... maybe, just maybe we wouldn't be here. My generation is stuck cleaning up your mess. So if we use a power washer, or a toothbrush, or *gasp* a BLACK MAN in the Presidential office, you just shut the hell up, cause we're doing it OUR way.
And maybe our way will be to let all your 401K's go straight down the drain, all your retirement washed up, and leave your nursing homes understaffed. You. Deserve. It. Please don't act surprised that we don't care, or are simply looking out for ourselves. You're the ones who told us to please be quiet and let the grown ups talk. Give anyone enough rope and they'll hang themselves, I guess. Of course we're all jaded. We know everyone lies. Everyone.
2) Shut the hell up. In case you missed that.
Corporate America is like... EVoL!! *spooky fingers* .... Is that it? All ya got? They're out to MAKE A PROFIT AT THE EXPENSE OF THEIR CONSUMERS!??!?!?!?!?
Well, you could just knock me over with a feather, I do declare.
Oh, wait. I totally knew that one already. Sweet. Check. Good, thanks, thanks for the updated info, I was a afraid for a minute that CA had gone completely off it's capitalistic rocker, and started air conditioning ice caps and snuggling endangered black rhino's.
Good to know the status quo is still... quo-ee
Jesus. Let it go before I just go to work for DCI. Don't know who they are? They are the ultra-well paid former journalists, analysists, PR folks and other forms of "low-brow but incredibly brilliant primordial ooze" who basically, through lots of channels, convince stupid Americans that
- Global warming isn't happening
- Smoking isn't bad (yeah, I know I do it once in a while, but I still know it's bad) and of course...
- War isn't all that bad either.
I say if you're dumb enough to buy that shit anyway, they deserve their paycheck, and we deserve what's coming to us.
Put on your big girl panties and deal with it.
... Also on a personal note my housemate chews with his mouth open, and... really, that's frankly gross.