Jun 01, 2007 13:34
I haven't given a real update on here in quite a while. A lot has happend but, then again, not much at all has happend. I finally graduated and it was wonderful. I was so happy Travis was there next to me and I think Mrs. Fradella was just as happy! She threw him a Subway party because he finished school and Mr. Knott gave him back the painting he was holding ransom! It was pretty cool, there should be more teachers like them. Travs family gave me a pink iPod shuffle. I hope I don't lose it, because it's tiny but it's really neat; I need some music to put on it! I also racked up on money but, eh...it's almost all gone now! I saved some though, gotta get a car! After all the graduation festivities Travis was pulling up to my house going a little too fast and he hit the gutter. It totally messed up his alignment and bent stuff but he got it fixed. It was crazy though, we hit really hard!! OOOh yes, me and Travis also got tickets to TOOL after graduation! So, the next day we go to the Tool concert. I wouldn't say it was amazing but it wasn't bad. I just haven't listened to their new album too much and they didn't play much older stuff, I wish they would have! I guess I'm not going to Bonnaroo this year :( I really, really wanted to. Maybe next year :-/
I still haven't decided on school yet. I want to go to Faulkner but I'll probably end up at South. I guess it doesn't matter much to me considering I don't even know what I want to do. All I know is something medical, but not nasty bloody guts or anything of that! It sounds like an excuse, but it really is hard to get motivated to do something when you have no car. That makes me undependable to others and I don't want to depend on other people for a ride. I guess I could walk, but that would be a really looong walk! Too bad public transportation doesn't run out here because I would probably use it quite often at this point.
Has anyone seen Pirates 3? Or is it 4? I think I'm going to see it this weekend, I've heard good things. BUT right now I have to take a showa.
Have a beautiful day :)