May 13, 2008 09:25
I'm hosting a little contest. It's called which Employment Agency in Manhattan is the best. You're all free and welcome to claim that title. I'll bake cookies. I mean, I'll microwave you cookies.
Someone that begins with a temp and ends with an asshole is being an ignorant jerk face.
-However, I'm really supposed to blog this:
My resume apparently is fairly impressive now, mostly thanks to Jonathan's over-glorifying and rewording all of my ST duties. But let's face it, I am IMPRESSIVE. What I don't understand is that I've gotten interviews on my own whereas the employment agencies have all failed to give me even one that I find acceptable. I still have a small margin of faith that one, just maybe one will outshine all of the others and claim that Ingy Emp Agency glorified and magnanimous title. Here we gooo!