i'm not sure what i was looking for when i found this picture. i
actually think the original search was for silly pictures, and then i
went to some website. imagine that thing with muscles and skin
and a brain! i know i have claimed that it is my imagination of
dinosaurs that scares me, but not this time.
i have to work today.
again, my responsibility has led me
astray. i called in yesterday to see if i had to work
today. mustafa answered the phone and said, "oh, i didn't
schedule you for this week because i thought you'd still be gone, but
you can pick up a shift tomorrow and they need help over at the new
store they opened in grapevine." Perfect. I can't say no to
him...i think he's starting to hate me anyways because i really slacked
off before i left for virginia. he's moody though. probably
because he's british.
playing scrabble with dad means adding new words to my
vocabulary. he was joking around and added "bun" to the word
"cleft" which was already on the board. i laughed at him and told
him it wasn't a word. he said, "yes it is. you know...its
when you kick someone in the butt and their pants go up with it" (i
think he used more description, but i'll spare you). i laughed
even harder and said, "so is it like the british way of saying
wedgie?" God, my family is so mature. Robin...please please
come over to my parent's house this semester.