Feb 11, 2005 23:13
mary i keep thinking that i sound like your stalker or the lame older grad student who just can't seem to get past the fact that they've graduated...but i swear that's not what i'm doing! i promise i'm not copying you. i just wanted to remember stuff too.
What were you like: creative
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Wally
Who was your best friend: Jill something or other
Who did you have a crush on: my "boyfriend" Brent Bowling
Some random memory: Brent Bowling threatening me that he wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore if I didn't give him all of my Cheetos. I shared the Cheetos with him because I wanted both.
First Grade
What were you like: a little shy, unaware
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Epperson (the bitchiest teacher i've ever had)
Who was your best friend: Jessica Jack
Who did you have a crush on: I don't think anyone
Some random memory: running down the HUGE blacktop hill on the first day of school and tripping over a rock and skinning the hell out of my knee. Then I went and found my sister and she took me to the nurse's office.
Second Grade
What were you like: silly
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Wally again!
Who was your best friend: Jessica Jack again!
Who did you have a crush on: Austin Chadelaine
Some random memory: getting in a fight with Jessica Jack about the New Kids on the Block because she thought Joey was hotter than Jordan.
Third Grade
What were you like: protected and really innocent
Who was your teacher: some lady whose name I can't remember because I only stayed at that school for 2 weeks and then I was homeschooled.
Who was your best friend: my sister or Sarah Schmitkins my neighbor
Who did you have a crush on: some neighborhood boy...i think his name was jonathan.
Some random memory: coming up with a dance routine on skates with Sarah and then performing it in the garage when my family came home. the garage door opened up (like a stage curtain) and we started the dance. it. was. awesome.
Fourth Grade
What were you like: REALLY shy for a while and then goofy
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Beadle
Who was your best friend: Trisha Bryan and Emily schmemily
Who did you have a crush on: Jeremy something
Some random memory: kicking Andy Bartlett (the neighborhood liar) in the balls because he was really starting to annoy me.
Fifth Grade
What were you like: a sweet, kinda nerdy kid
Who was your teacher: I can't remember their names!
Who was your best friend: Trisha Bryan and Emily
Who'd you have a crush on: Jeremy and Brian
Some random memory: feeling really crappy one day because Emily who I thought was my best friend started hanging out with the "snobs" in the class and didn't really hang out with me anymore.
Sixth Grade
What were you like: a little more sensitive, silly
Who was your teacher: Ms. Hurley
Who was your best friend: Melissa Rowles
Who was your crush: Marc something...geez, i can't remember anyone's name
Some random memory: saying a rosary down in the church with my class. it was soooo hot that day and i passed out. when i woke up, everyone was staring at me and i started crying.
Seventh Grade
What were you like: more confident, goofy, somewhat awkward
What was your favorite class: math
Who was your best friend: Melissa and Adrienne Rowles
Who did you have a crush on: Ed Russo...he's still dreamy too.
Some random memory: the whole class decided to put comment boxes on their desks and one day i found a comment from Ed Russo that said, "I love you". I could have married him that day. And also, telling mom that Michael was born and that we would be adopting him the next day.
Eighth Grade:
What were you like: really into music, friends with everyone, goofy
What was your favorite class: math or art
Who was your best friend: Laura Hamilton and Matthew Rothwell
Who did you have a crush on: Chris someone, Mike Smith, and about half of the other guys in my class
Some random memory: moving to Maryland and living on an army base.
Ninth Grade:
What were you like: sort of open-minded, but way way emotional, angst filled
What was your favorite class: art class with mrs. thurrow
Who was your best friend: Laura Hamilton and Angela Roe
Who did you have a crush: boyfriends Eric Coan and Dane Dowell, non-boyfriend Donald Spangler, and many many others
Some random memory: smoking weed for the first time when my parents went out of town and then rachel telling them a couple weeks later.
Tenth Grade:
What were you like: not as emotional, pretty happy actually, more realistic
What was your favorite class: theatre 1 with Mrs. Reagan
Who was your best friend: Brian Stokes and Sara
Who did you have a crush on: Brian Stokes, Alex somebody, Tim Arthur, Charles McDonald, BJ Radke
Some random memory: having a conversation with Brian about how we hated it when awkward things would happen, like...you'd point across the room, but in the action of pointing you'd accidently poke someone's boob. and then right after we had the conversation he accidently poked me in the boob and we laughed really hard.
Eleventh Grade:
What were you like: sad, lonely, and then back to normal
What was your favorite class: english with Ms. Bovenizer
Who was your best friend: Joelle Jansen
Who did you have a crush on: no one because i was at an all girls school.
Some random memory: moving from texas to maryland from a huge public high school to a small all girls catholic school and having to say goodbye to rachel because she was going off to college. and also crying at a retreat because i had just found out my best friend in 9th grade (laura) was into heavy drugs.
Twelevth Grade:
What were you like: more happy, giggly, goofy, hardworking
What was your favorite class: metaphysics with Ms. Maxym or conceptual physics with ms. savino
Who was your best friend: maggie datiles
Who did you have a crush on: no one really again because i went to the all girls school still
Some random memory: interpretive dancing to radiohead in the kitchen with my brother, david, while doing dishes, and discovering my love for Hanson.