[musical logic]

Mar 18, 2009 16:27


Okay. I keep saying "musical logic" in permissions posts. It occurred to me that I need to explain exactly how I define that and how you might apply it to whatever I just gave you permission for.

First: WTF is musical logic?

Musical logic, in a very loose and general sense, is basically just suspension of disbelief in a major way. You know when strange and totally nonsensical things happen? That's musical logic. High School Musical is probably the best example of this ever because Kenny Ortega doesn't make any fucking sense ever. Watch Newsies and tell me that shit makes sense. Kenny Ortega basically took the bare bones of the Newsies strike in the 1900's and then applied a liberal amount of lube before raping it into oblivion and making the gayest thing ever. I love Kenny Ortega, but. -sigh-

Anyway, in specific terms, musical logic is the the reason why people suddenly burst into song and how exactly they can be such drama queens and no one ever thinks this is particularly weird (even if that character is called out on it). It's also why Ryan may completely and totally overreact to certain things. A lot of things. Silly drama queen Ryan. It's also why Ryan might make strange off-hand comments about his world. He does not see it the same way you do at all. Seriously. Let us look at an example.

TROY breaks up with GABRIELLA. Under Earth logic, this is a cause for ice cream and wallowing in self pity. Under musical logic, this is cause for a three minute solo depicting exactly how torn up and sorrowful Gabriella is in a mysteriously empty school until her song finishes. Ryan doesn't have the reality bending powers present in HSM sometimes, but. You get the idea. Certain situations do not prompt regular reactions from Ryan. Specifically turning points - they are, as he might tell you, excellent times for character development. Which involves song.

Another example: In the original production of RENT, after MAUREEN'S performance the gang goes to the LIFE CAFE in order to celebrate. BENNY is there, which is cause for dancing on tables and singing. It also involves a tender scene between MIMI and ROGER during which NO ONE TALKS AND NOTHING HAPPENS. They all just watch. That is musical logic.

So. That is musical logic in a nutshell. It has to do primarily with the breaking out into song, but. It can be applied to situations within HSM too. Things like Ryan's sudden dyslexia in the presence of jocks in the first movie and the rather random / confusing switch of clothing for no real reason in the second movie. Hell, it can even be applied to Ryan being the mascot in the third movie when he has shown no prior interest in being school spirit-y to the point where he'd climb into an obviously unhygienic mascot outfit.

Second: how, exactly, does this affect whatever I just gave you permission for?

Well. For psychics who might read Ryan's mind, they'll notice that the way he thinks is very much script format. Like so:CHAD enters the room. TROY is obviously relieved at this development, while TAYLOR seems very ready to chew his ear off.

CHAD: I'm here dudes.
TROY: Thank god.
TAYLOR: Chad, where have you been?!
Yup. :) That's how Ryan sees events. His actual thoughts are seen in the script as long, internal monologues kind of in the style of how Kyon narrates. Yeah? Yeah.

If they're looking at Ryan's past, I actually summarised HSM in pretty good detail and his memories are pretty easy to navigate because they're stored as a script to his life. Table of contents and everything. Your character will also notice that, exactly like in his profile and the example above, large portions of the script are blacked out due to his memory loss after being killed by Twoey [04/02]. He is missing any and all memories having to do with Chad Danforth and he knows these memories are missing/is aware they're missing but he has absolutely no idea what they are. It's about a quarter of his memories in total that are missing.

You can also always ask about events on AIM @ yay ashton. Hardly anything will make sense when a character examines the reasoning behind it in either case. If they're reading Ryan's mind, his internal monologues have a lot to do with how the situation is similar to East High and how it can be used to further character development, things of that nature. It is also more than likely partially in song. But honestly? Ryan will tell you pretty much anything if you ask. He has no reason to hide anything from his perspective. He also creates quite a bit of telepathic feedback because he's constantly talking to the Script - it's kind of like talking to himself. All the time.

Uhhhhhhh. If I gave you permission for something else, just go with whatever the hell I said unless it directly contradicts something I said here and it doesn't make sense at all. I guess. Hi, I like pie. :D -makes no sense-

IF NONE OF THAT SHIT MADE SENSE, COMMENT HERE AND I WILL TRY TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION. Or if I didn't fill out your permissions post and you want me to. Or if you want Ryan to like. Mindfuck your character with his blatant lack of regular logic. I don't even know. Not screened, but anon turned on.
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