Dec 06, 2004 19:12
Good song... Great times.
Soooooo. today, interesting.
I was delerious when I woke up this mornign but I somehow made it to school. Then in my first class (English) we were doing independant reading. The words staretd mvoing and I felt like I was gonna pass out so i excused myself and splashed some cool water on my face, felt okay and went back to class. About 2 minutes later i fel tlike I was gonna vomit so I ask if I can go to the nurse, to which my teacher replies, "Yes please do. You look terrible." So I am going to the nurse and suddenly have to stop and go back to the bathroom where I ahd, no lie, PROJECTILE vomit experience, I am talkin vomitous maximous. It was very scary and very painfull so I go ony m way again and start dry heaving in the hallway (quite embarassing) and finally make it to the nurse just in time to throw up again.
Ya, it was interesting...
I also heard an itneresting Mr Lane story today that has actually stricken my thinking quite a bit. HEHEHE, Kenneth, you knwo what I'm talking about....
Anywho, I have to go for some Sorrentos dinner b/c I am feeling quite a deal better now.
I will update mroe again late ron the meanign fo Christmas and all my holiday related feeligns.
STAY TUNED MY AVID READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ Caitlin