Read it you may learn something

Sep 05, 2005 02:30

age: 14
sex: boy
hair color: brown black
eye color: brown
zodiac sign: capricorn
heritage/nationality: Irish, Moroccan mostly
person you're named after:
people you live with: Ty Justin and the cats

color: pink
band: Pink Floyd or Eak A Mouse
tv show: Whos Line
video game: Age of Empires Series
movie: Chgarlie and the Choclate Factory and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
food: no idea
room in the house: Couch
cuss word: fuck
flower: Tulip
animal: Owl
sport: Hacky Sack
pizza topping: Pineapple
season: summer
shampoo: Tea Tree
hairspray: WTF
CD: Wish You Were Here
gum:that kind you chew
restaurant: Kyoto Riz in Morocco
late night activity: Sleep
holiday: Thanksgiving
number: 49
candy: Reeses, Snickers, or York
song: Stairway to Heaven
starbucks beverage: Caramel Frap

Are you for or against ...
prostitution: against
abortion: choice
drunk driving: against
legalizing drugs: depends on what and for what
death penalty: against
illegal immigrants: for, but they shouldnt have to be illegal
premarital sex: for
war: against
hippies: for
clothes on dogs: if the dog likes it
school uniforms: against
public schools: for
spam: against
gay marriage: for
slavery: against
interracial relationships: for
arranged marriages: in some cases they are good, but mostly against
republicans: against
deforestation: against
gun control: for
zoos: they are good for breeding endangered species and teaching people about anamils but they should be spacious
organic farming: for
affirmative action: for
britney spears: whagainst
chuck taylors: for
preps: for
genetically modified crops: if they were used to feed the starving world it would be best, if a choice with organic then no
curfews: if its safety related or for young children yes, if otherwise no
tommy hilfiger: IDHAFI
the atkin's diet: it works
victoria's secret models: whatever

the funny one: I like to think myself
the weird one: naismith
the dumbass: me or naismith
the nerd: mike
the rocker: nick
the crazy one: me or naismith
the drama queen: theo
the athlete: the crew team
the writer: me and abby s
the poet: IDK
the shy one: IDK i break shyness bariers quickly
the prep: your done!
the prom queen: Liz
the rebel: Nick
the druggie: IDK

This or That
Jello or pudding: Jello
aim or msn: aim
hotmail or yahoo: hotmail
carpet or hardwood: wood
cats or dogs: dogs
fish or mice: fish
wine or beer: wine
abercrombie or hot topic: neither
cake or pie: pie
kisses or hugs: hugs
golf or poker: poker
shower or bath: shower
kinky or not: IDK
independent films or big company films: both
spoons or forks: sporks

Do you...
drink diet pop: yup
eat a lot of junk food: a little
watch soap operas: no
watch CSI: no
wear makeup: sometimes
take naps: yes
own a cell phone: yes
have a job: no

When was the last time you
cursed: in arabic like an hour ago
had sex: nope
ate: dinner like 5 hours ago its 2:50 here
went into a chat room: once
drank alcohol: once by accident when i was 6
went bowling: today
had a sleep over: IDK
got arrested: warning maybe
went to the movies: since July
told someone a secret: IDK
gave someone a gift: I dont remember
had a gift given to you: watch at a buisness dinner
brushed your teeth: this morning
dyed your hair: never fully
gave advice: all the time

Word Association
cat: poop
fish: fish poop
jacket: manteau
yo yo: go yo racers
bed: now
frog: 50 MPH
hair: mine
ice cube: warm
rope: port
pillow: soft
lion: gladator
cage: walk on part in the war
water: fun
watermelon: summer
pink: Ty
spider: Itsy Bitsy
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