Jun 30, 2009 22:52

So I really have been lagging on posts. O_O Really. I thought that once summer started, I would like post everyday, but for some reason summer school makes me really tired and I end up napping a lot. And then planning/talking about all these Renaissance events in the summer. >.O

Hhmmmm. I've been addicted to Sims 3 lately. Got it the day it came out. Fabulouuuus!! Graphics questionable sometimes though. Like sometimes random strands of color that look like broken pieces of glass keep flashing across half the screen while I play and I get headaches and naseous. Don't think I spelled that right lol. But still fun.

Today Christian (pronounced Christyann because she's a girl) and Kathleen came over. We talked sooo much and totally ignored Ratatouille (was playing in the DVD player), and we got Christian addicted to Golden Oreos. HAH! Little slices of heaven I tell you!!

In other news, I applied to UC Riversides GAP program, which stands for Guaranteed Admissions Program. Actually I only had to apply as a formality because they sent two letters to my house saying I already had a spot. Basically what it is is, if I get in, then I don't have to go through the formal application process in November, and already have been accepted at UCR. It's way easier than the application process too, because you don't have to write a personal statement or answer questions or anything. The application online takes like no time to fill out! It's not my first choice for a college of course, and I know it's not viewed as one of the top UC's, but I think it's still a UC (oh btw, that's University of California, the top level of public colleges in CA) all the same and it's really nice to know I got in SOMEWHERE. I'm really scared for applying to colleges this year. But excited? :X

My dream school is UCLA, but that's really hard to get into. Need to improve SATs! I'm also thinking about attending private colleges near here (the apparently famous Claremont colleges). I think I'll apply to Harvard and Princeton and Rensselaer, even though I highly doubt that I'll get in, because they've been really helpful sending guides and what not. Maybe my goals are too high but still. >.< Yar...

Hmmm. Summer's officially here in SoCal! So hot lately. Need to get in swimsuit shape! -_- Yay...
My plans have changed so much. First Hawaii then Florida then Hawaii then Canada or East Coast TO Canada then Thailand then now... Las Vegas. Wow what a change.

So a long time ago I said I was going to post pictures of the Salton Sea, and here they are!

Type your cut contents here.

So many windmills near the freeway as we got closer!

You can see the sea in the back. :)

One of the many of what I suspect are pelicans in the water.

Another view of the Sea.

DEAD FISH!! D: Gross to look at and smell.

A dead fish that washed up on shore.

Some people go fishing but I would never eat any fish caught there. Heard it's bad for fish to be in a place with dead fish because it spooks them or something. Maybe that's just Petco... :P

Fun visitor center. Small but quaint. So hot that day!

One of the early Native American's shelters (near a Ranger building).

Another side of the Sea; more dead fish!

So we read on the map that some place was called Bombay Beach, and thought it sounded really pretty, so decided to drive there. The road on the way was filled with these really fun hills.

Ooh we're here!

Okay... totally not what I expected. TOTALLY! If anything, it was the opposite. The place was very appalling, and I couldn't believe people actually lived there. So many rundown/torn apart houses. D:

The "beach". We immediately U-turned.

Right next to the beach. Wonder what happened?

One of the many houses. We almost got lost but then found our way.

The convenience store right outside all the houses.

Afterwards, stopped in a city nearby and drove around the Air & Space Museum. Such a pretty city! El Cino or something.

So basically that was my trip! Yayy. :) Probably (hopefully) will update more tomorrow.

ucr, sims 3, hanging out, salton sea, procrastination, summer school, college, uc riverside

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