Oh my GOD, such a fun television show - I hope they make it into a real one, that totally has lots of seasons. Series? I think they call them Series instead of seasons over here. Weird.
Anyhow! I watched Being Human last night, and it was so great! The guys are SO hot! It's about this Werewolf and this Vampire and this Ghost, and they all share a house together, so fun!
Then I looked and found some stories.
Bedtime Stories - this story's about how the Werewolf guy and the Vampire guy met, it's really cute, they're telling it to the Ghost girl.
The Morning After - this is a really sweet story in vignettes about the Werewolf guy, and how his Vampire friend looks out for him around the Moon. Really touching, I liked it lots!
Old Friends, New Friends - Crossover! It's got Jack and Ianto in it too!
Owen and Annie - this one's another crossover between those Torchwood people and Being Human. It's got Owen and it's also got Tosh in it, too. Kinda made me a little sad. Too bad it's just one of those one shot short story things - I'd love to see what'd happen next!
EDIT: Oh! Here's totally some links so you can watch the whole show on youtube! It's just the one episode pilot thing now - but TOTALLY worth it!