Kay. I said that my Mom is African-ish coz she comes from Saint Helena (South Pacific Oceans aparently) wich is a tiny island just below tha Ascencion Islands.
There isn't much on the island, its almost totaly untouched, natural beauty, but it has a great banana trade! Theres one town on the island is called Jamestown wich, according to Grandad,only has a few houses, a school and a Nisa shop. Its hard to get to, it takes a few days by boat from the mainland, wich is often a rare expieriance as not many ships travel there (apart from trade ships), it takes almost a month by mail boat and there isnt YET a runway.
About the runway, my family and many others are taking part in a campaign to stop the building of it. Besides, this is moms thought, the island is too small for a runway, the plains could try to land but end up in the sea! Hahaha.
K. So theres a bit about St Helena, hope you like the picture.