I woke up this morning. Turned the computer on to revise biology, and guess what? In about 3 minutes of me turning the thing on, the finale of season 3 (which had thus far been up to 0.5%) finished downloading. I love you Natalie!
Consequently, (after an hour of watching it and an hour of thinking about it) I think I failed the biology paper. I am an idiot to say this, but it was SO worth it.
Three years an a row, I was fighting back tears, though I must say, the Season 2 finale was the most gut wrenching. Anyways, this isn't a critique of Season 3, which I didn't think was amazing, this is a fucking elegy. I loved it. Frain totally stole the show, so if you think he is rubbish, well, you might not like it so much.
On another note, I am painfully aware that the anniversary of Anne's (pictured, as if you needed that pointed out) death passed without so much as an acknowledgment from me, I plan to address that in due course.
Also, would really appreciate it if anyone did my
'meme' - thought it was a good idea = P
Anyways, as you can guess there are going to be spoilers below.
> OMG JAMES FRAIN IS A LEGEND!!!! He is the definitive Thomas Cromwell, the way The Tudors portrayed Crommy was the shit, seriously. YES - Frain does not look like Cromwell, Natalie didn't look like Anne, JRM isn't even slightly fat and YES - Frain wore an iffy leather jacket to the tudors premiere. But I think, with the exception of Henry Cavill and Annabelle Wallis (or Fail, as she's known to some, the cast of The Tudors are suspiciously wtf dressers. I think they do it to get publicity. You know - 'Natalie Dormer, who stars in Showtimes' The Tudors was today spotted wearing a plaid pantsuit (no bra)' - that kind of thing, you get me...
> Anyways, contrary to what I was told, Cromwell was apparently 'sad and pathetic'. Okay, so he met his end with markedly less dignity than Anne did. But their circumstances were utterly different. Urgh. Also his death I think was one the most horrible (in terms of graphicness) seen on The Tudors. Funny thing is, you don't get to see that much blood, but it's so SUGGESTIVE of what was happening to poor Crom. URGH. RAW.
> To cut a long story short. There was me, as usual, almost in tears and I finally drew the conclusion that Henry VIII ruined everything for everybody (check out the Tudors finales Seasons 1, 2 and 3) and if I was Cromwell, TEMPTING as it might seem, I just wouldn't have gotten into the game. At least Anne Boleyn got immortality - Cromwell would have done, but then his fame was surpassed by that of his namesake Oliver Cromwell, who I guess was just more important. Whenever anyone mentions Cromwell, people instinctively think of him. POOR CROMWELL (Thomas, that is). Anyways, at least I love him more than silly Oliver. I'm sure he would have found this of the utmost importance (not).
> Another Cromwell related thing - Gregory. Why now? Cromwell's been in the series for ages, I thought Hirst had just cut his family out. But no...he hasn't. But I don't get why he pops up now. And he's like 'Yay I have a son' I'm thinking...'Yeah mate. But I don't know you.' If I did know him, I'd be totally pleased, does he have Henry VIII style son-problems. I am so sorry about them. But still, Gregory showed Crom's paternal side, and that would be really nice to have seen more of.
> On another note, the guy who plays Gregory looks freakishly like James Frain, FREAKISHLY. When he was like 'Father' I thought James Frain's real son had burst onto the set, asking for some money to buy chips or something. Well okay, I didn't actually think that. But they point is they look very similar.
> 'You forgot your pills' - WTF?! Cromwell pops pills?
> Notice how the last Henry - Cromwell is so similar to the last Henry - Wolsey one. Both heart-wrenching, I thought. Well, Thomas Moore DID say 'There is no difference between you and me Mr. Cromwell, except I will die today and you tomorrow' Nice bit of foreshadowing there, Moore, it's almost as if he KNEW Cromwell's fate, how clever. Of course Hirst did write the part nigh on 500 years later. Hmmmm....
> Brandon is a bastad. How he treated Cromwell. ARGH. I hate him, I hate him. Nasty git. He hates those whom I loved - Wolsey, Anne, Cromwell...and he LIKES Edward Seymour, whom I hate. It does give me reconciliation knowing that he can not make love as well as he used too - haha, nice one Katherine!
> 'They hate me because I was born so low and rose so high' - Good on you mate!!! Today we live in rather more egalitarian times, that would be totally appreciated. Or maybe he would be like our Dear Mr. Speaker. God. I hate that man.
> Okay. I could go on and on about poor Cromwell forever. Let me just cut it. Ummm...Kitty Howard. Lots to discuss there...I love they way they portrayed her. The aristocratic orphanage was just PERFECT, they totally got across Kitty's historical background quite accurately, though I don't think they should have made it THAT shabby. The place is called Lambeth Palace. PALACE. SHEESH. Not THAT shabby.
> Okay so she is a slut. She was more 'used' than Anne, more of a pawn. But where is Norfolk to play the game? I seriously thought he would turn up. But he didn't. Oh well. Francis Bryan totally compensates. Not only is he a mummy's boy...but he is a granny's boy too...AWWWW. And he has that soft soft voice but he can get so so angry. I love him so! Such fun. Such a contradiction. Didn't like him getting the executioner drunk. But his expression when the act was taking place was totally unfathomable. Sexy. But unfathomable.
> Back to Kitty. I liked her...I think! She is odd looking, isn't she? A long face, and weird eyes. Don't get me wrong, I think she's oober pretty, but really like mishapen pretty. I mean Natalie Dormer was unconventional looking, but Kitty took it to another level. I don't believe Henry noticed her so quickly, she just laughed, there were loads of pretty women laughing in the room. She wasn't that special, was she?
> OMG the Henry-Kitty sex scenes. I felt so bad for Tamzin, JRM doesn't strip at all, but Kitty has to, TWICE. So revealing and he's just sitting there looking at her. We now know her entire anatomy even better than Natalie Dormer's! And then there's one scene when he's sitting on her bum and reading Cromwell's letter. A condemned man's pleas...aphrodisiac...not. She is not very intelligent either...just laughs at everything. But I love it right at the end, when she says 'Your majesty' in a totally fantastic voice whilst swinging naked. You can kind of tell how Henry will get over Cromwell.
> Nonesuch that a joke? I cant tell with the way JRM pronounced it.