happy valentine's all.. i found this article slightly amusing..i don't know how to make it a link so..::
http://www.harvardindependent.com/media/paper369/news/2006/02/09/Forum/Paradigms.Of.Valentines-1606981.shtml?norewrite&sourcedomain=www.harvardindependent.com ..yeah, that's right. seriously..so glad i'm nearly done the inclass portion of co-op..i don't do anything and i'm still ahead..seriously.. for what's required..i've finished everything up until friday..and therefore was able to leave for twenty minutes today to go and get somethign to eat at neighbours..i was even overly hungry..i just wanted something to do..i've been reading a bathroom reader and listening to my mp3 player for most of the time i've been in that class..:: we had to all do this health and safety in the workplace test online..and there were six sections..you have to get 100% on each to move onto the next..i had to do the first one twice..and ran through the rest of them like it was nothing..it took me about 15-20 minutes in total..some people were in the computer lab for at least an hour doing them..:: :| seriously..