Mar 16, 2005 21:58
gumisyum3991 (7:54:02 PM): hiyuh
Shaebae332 (7:54:24 PM): do u no what i found out
gumisyum3991 (7:54:41 PM): ...?
Shaebae332 (7:55:25 PM): y this is happen.....we don't tlk
gumisyum3991 (7:55:39 PM): ...we talk
gumisyum3991 (7:55:44 PM): but i dont like talkin on the fone
Shaebae332 (7:55:50 PM): about problems
Shaebae332 (7:55:55 PM): your my g/f rite
gumisyum3991 (7:56:01 PM): ryt...
Shaebae332 (7:57:19 PM): i reall think that as being b/f and g/f well i understand we both have a level of comfort, but don't u think we shold beable to tlk bout problems
gumisyum3991 (7:58:51 PM): ...?
gumisyum3991 (7:58:55 PM): wat problemz?
Shaebae332 (8:00:55 PM): just like ur changing i understand that and i have no problem with that but u should come to me and say hey i'm changing and your no accepting that, we would of tlked bout as b/f g/f and i could of been settled
Shaebae332 (8:01:13 PM): i'm being as calm as i can be
gumisyum3991 (8:02:25 PM): k
Shaebae332 (8:03:34 PM): ok so can we please just all this behind us i swear i'm trying to accept u, i believe that u love me and i love u to ok?
gumisyum3991 (8:03:54 PM): ...k
Shaebae332 (8:04:20 PM): ok so how r u
gumisyum3991 (8:05:33 PM): confused
gumisyum3991 (8:05:41 PM): dont u dare ask y...
Shaebae332 (8:05:42 PM): ok u got to show me the kenzie u r ok
gumisyum3991 (8:05:42 PM): lol
Shaebae332 (8:05:47 PM): dd
gumisyum3991 (8:05:47 PM):
Shaebae332 (8:06:07 PM): kenzie i gatta no who u r if i'm ganna be ur g/f
Shaebae332 (8:06:19 PM): i'll be in love with someone i don;t no
Shaebae332 (8:07:09 PM): i really wanna to
Shaebae332 (8:09:30 PM): kenzie
Shaebae332 (8:09:36 PM): u gatta tell me the truth
Shaebae332 (8:09:53 PM): do u like me anymore
Shaebae332 (8:10:11 PM): ok i'm the spy now
Shaebae332 (8:10:18 PM): do u like me still
gumisyum3991 (8:10:42 PM): if i didnt than y am i still goin out wif u?
Shaebae332 (8:11:04 PM): kenzie i dono if u can break up wif anyone
Shaebae332 (8:11:06 PM): u havent told me that
gumisyum3991 (8:11:14 PM): huh?
Shaebae332 (8:12:03 PM): so can u truly tell me marshaun i love u and i fell the same way i did wen we started goin out the seconed time not the first lol
gumisyum3991 (8:13:19 PM): ...marshaun, i love u
gumisyum3991 (8:13:37 PM): i dont feel the same way as i did wen we started goin out the second time
Shaebae332 (8:14:24 PM): so how do u feel
Shaebae332 (8:14:27 PM): ????
gumisyum3991 (8:14:36 PM): different
Shaebae332 (8:15:00 PM): a bad different or a good different
gumisyum3991 (8:15:04 PM): both
Shaebae332 (8:16:15 PM): so u don't like me but u do like mario
gumisyum3991 (8:16:17 PM): go in the chat
Shaebae332 (8:16:21 PM): nooooooo
gumisyum3991 (8:16:28 PM): i never said i didnt like u!
gumisyum3991 (8:16:35 PM): go in the chat!
gumisyum3991 (8:16:49 PM): i want u 2 meet sumbody
Shaebae332 (8:16:53 PM): who
gumisyum3991 (8:16:56 PM): chris
Shaebae332 (8:16:58 PM): chris who
gumisyum3991 (8:17:41 PM): chris whitenger or sumthin
Shaebae332 (8:17:51 PM): uhhhh sendit
gumisyum3991 (8:22:20 PM): watz wrong?!
gumisyum3991 (8:22:22 PM): gosh
gumisyum3991 (8:22:28 PM): i just wanted u 2 tuh talk!
Shaebae332 (8:22:29 PM): kenzie
gumisyum3991 (8:22:32 PM): sheesh
Shaebae332 (8:22:32 PM): everything
gumisyum3991 (8:22:54 PM): ?
Shaebae332 (8:23:01 PM): i really like u ur changing u don't want me to no who u really r and i'm so confused about if u like me or not
gumisyum3991 (8:23:25 PM): i like u!
gumisyum3991 (8:23:29 PM): of course i do!
gumisyum3991 (8:23:30 PM): u kno i do!
Shaebae332 (8:23:45 PM): so y r u saying it's different
gumisyum3991 (8:23:54 PM): bc...
Shaebae332 (8:23:55 PM): and u don't want me to no who u r
Shaebae332 (8:24:00 PM): bc why
gumisyum3991 (8:24:17 PM): just cuz
gumisyum3991 (8:24:19 PM): it is
gumisyum3991 (8:24:22 PM): its different
gumisyum3991 (8:24:26 PM): ive changed
gumisyum3991 (8:24:35 PM): its just weird i guess
Shaebae332 (8:24:35 PM): ok but whats differnet
Shaebae332 (8:24:40 PM): wahts wierd
gumisyum3991 (8:24:52 PM): just
gumisyum3991 (8:24:59 PM): my attitude is diff. towards everything
Shaebae332 (8:25:23 PM): so u wouldn't want to cudle wif me anymore
Shaebae332 (8:26:14 PM): huh
Shaebae332 (8:27:32 PM): kenzie
gumisyum3991 (8:28:26 PM): where would u get that... consumption?
Shaebae332 (8:28:34 PM): i'm askin u
Shaebae332 (8:28:55 PM): kenzie this is actally what happened last time
gumisyum3991 (8:29:14 PM): ...?
Shaebae332 (8:29:26 PM): u slowly came up wif all these exuses then u said u wanted a break is that whats happen now
Shaebae332 (8:29:37 PM): please tell me the truth
gumisyum3991 (8:30:57 PM): ... i want a break 2 gather my thoughts, but i want wat we both want & i want 2 agree on something
Shaebae332 (8:31:30 PM): oh here we go agian
gumisyum3991 (8:31:36 PM): ?
Shaebae332 (8:31:53 PM): gather your thogutbbout what
gumisyum3991 (8:32:21 PM): my thoughts about how everything is goin, about how im changing, im confused
Shaebae332 (8:32:29 PM): about what
Shaebae332 (8:32:34 PM): if u lie me or not
Shaebae332 (8:32:39 PM): lke *
gumisyum3991 (8:32:40 PM): im lost on who im supposed 2 look in the eye & believe wat they say is true
gumisyum3991 (8:32:56 PM): im confused on who i like
Shaebae332 (8:32:56 PM): kenzie i ahve never lied to u what r u tlkin bout
Shaebae332 (8:33:03 PM): so u don't like me
gumisyum3991 (8:33:07 PM): im not talkin bout u
gumisyum3991 (8:33:12 PM): i never said that i didnt like u
Shaebae332 (8:33:23 PM): u like me but u don't
gumisyum3991 (8:33:36 PM): but at the moment, ive spent so much time on the fone that my multi tasking is at a low
gumisyum3991 (8:34:19 PM): all i can think about is u sumtimes & wat ur thinkin bout & that takes me off w/e im doing
Shaebae332 (8:34:56 PM): kenzie if we break up now we will never speak to eachother agin
gumisyum3991 (8:35:16 PM): u mean u wont speak 2 me ever again
gumisyum3991 (8:35:22 PM): that makes no sense...
Shaebae332 (8:35:33 PM): so u want to break up wif me
gumisyum3991 (8:35:44 PM): idk wat i want
gumisyum3991 (8:36:07 PM): im used tuh everybody making so many decisions 4 me that idk ho i am or wat i want let alone who u love
Shaebae332 (8:36:20 PM): how did we get from cuddleing at dances and kissing and now breaking up
Shaebae332 (8:36:34 PM): so your growing up
Shaebae332 (8:36:43 PM): good girl
gumisyum3991 (8:36:56 PM): how can u smile & laugh while im in tears?
Shaebae332 (8:37:12 PM): kenzie we don't have to
Shaebae332 (8:37:18 PM): u make a decision rite now
gumisyum3991 (8:37:32 PM): i dont wanna make any decisions
Shaebae332 (8:37:46 PM): i like marhsaun and i wanna be with him or i like mario i'll like him and never c marhsun agian
Shaebae332 (8:37:56 PM): or tlk 2 him
Shaebae332 (8:38:36 PM): kenzie it's your decision
Shaebae332 (8:38:56 PM): u say were over or u say we can fix this
gumisyum3991 (8:39:13 PM):
gumisyum3991 (8:39:18 PM): im not good at fixing things
gumisyum3991 (8:39:23 PM): nor am i good at making decisions
Shaebae332 (8:39:27 PM): it's lies on u
Shaebae332 (8:39:36 PM): i like u to
Shaebae332 (8:39:46 PM): but it lies on your shoulder
Shaebae332 (8:41:35 PM): kenzie so wats gonna happin no matter i will still love u but we will never see eachother a gin or tlk
gumisyum3991 (8:42:01 PM):
Shaebae332 (8:42:17 PM): kenzie come on u said it
Shaebae332 (8:42:21 PM): can't turn back
Shaebae332 (8:42:50 PM): i wil do everything i can to keep us together if i say shwaunee i wanna satay wif u
Shaebae332 (8:43:01 PM): if not i dono
gumisyum3991 (8:43:04 PM): idk wat i wanna do0o
Shaebae332 (8:43:58 PM): kenzie well lets see what happens
gumisyum3991 (8:44:11 PM): wen
Shaebae332 (8:44:29 PM): 2 choices
Shaebae332 (8:44:39 PM): stay together and fixthis see what happens
Shaebae332 (8:44:54 PM): or break up and never see eachother a gin
Shaebae332 (8:46:01 PM): kenzie
Shaebae332 (8:46:07 PM): i love u
Shaebae332 (8:47:04 PM): kenzie come on
Shaebae332 (8:47:07 PM): tlk2me
gumisyum3991 (8:47:52 PM): i acnt c the keyboard
Shaebae332 (8:48:01 PM): kenzie y r u crying
Shaebae332 (8:48:08 PM): u said u want a break
gumisyum3991 (8:48:13 PM): idk wat i want@
Shaebae332 (8:48:15 PM): i don't i loveu
Shaebae332 (8:48:32 PM): so do u wanna stay together
Shaebae332 (8:48:35 PM): or what
Shaebae332 (8:49:45 PM): kenzie
gumisyum3991 (8:50:12 PM): shut up!
gumisyum3991 (8:50:14 PM): idk!
Shaebae332 (8:50:19 PM): kenzie i g2g
Shaebae332 (8:50:47 PM): come on
gumisyum3991 (8:50:47 PM): wat do u want 2 do
Shaebae332 (8:50:54 PM): do u wanna stay together or not
Shaebae332 (8:50:57 PM): i love u
Shaebae332 (8:51:00 PM): u no what i wanan do
Shaebae332 (8:51:16 PM): kenie!!!!!!!!!
Shaebae332 (8:51:28 PM): i love u and always wi;;
Shaebae332 (8:51:37 PM): it's yuor decision
Shaebae332 (8:51:53 PM): kenzie
Shaebae332 (8:51:57 PM): tlk
Shaebae332 (8:52:19 PM): ok i g2g r we still together
gumisyum3991 (8:52:30 PM): idk
Shaebae332 (8:52:38 PM): god
Shaebae332 (8:52:40 PM): well i g2g
gumisyum3991 (8:53:04 PM): ...y
Shaebae332 (8:53:07 PM): kenzie
Shaebae332 (8:53:08 PM): uhhhhhhhh
Shaebae332 (8:53:25 PM): i'm goin we together or not
gumisyum3991 (8:53:40 PM): ...
Shaebae332 (8:53:54 PM): yes
Shaebae332 (8:53:57 PM): i love u
Shaebae332 (8:54:21 PM): uhhhhhhhhhh bye
Shaebae332 (8:54:27 PM): i really g2g
gumisyum3991 (8:54:36 PM): i love u
gumisyum3991 (8:54:39 PM): i need a break
Shaebae332 (8:54:41 PM): kenzie
gumisyum3991 (8:54:47 PM): i promise i wont go out wif anybody
gumisyum3991 (8:54:58 PM): i swear 2 god & that means a lot at the moment
Shaebae332 (8:54:59 PM): we'll nev c eachother agin
gumisyum3991 (8:55:02 PM): y not?
Shaebae332 (8:55:05 PM): it won't matter
Shaebae332 (8:55:10 PM): buh bye
Shaebae332 signed off at 8:55:14 PM.
incase u didnt get that whole lil entry thing... im single... woohoo? idk if i made the right choice or not... i hope i did, all i need is a break! but no, i get the whole 9 yards and some, as usual...