Achtung, baby!

May 12, 2030 11:00

Achtung! (I am absolutely sorry if you're Jewish.)

This is my personal journal - a "diary" if you must. If you're not interested to follow my life then I'm not forcing you to. This blog is not about being read, it's about being written.

My layout apparently doesn't support Internet Explorer, so if you're using IE, you can either:
  1. Fuck off
  2. Download Firefox
  3. Download Google Chrome
  4. Download Opera
You will not be added if you
  1. Do not know me from somewhere;
  2. Cannot construct sentences with proper grammar, capitalization and punctuation;
  3. Are a narrow-minded person and cannot tolerate opinions other than your own;
  4. Are named or have an internet alias of Arista, Amelia or Alodia;
  5. Do not fulfill the first condition written on this list.
That being said, please introduce yourself with a comment or a private message to be added. Rest assured you will be added as soon as possible as I'm always logged on to Livejournal whenever I have access to the internet.

This is a blurb, so scroll down for the actual entries - after you've added me of course.
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