A War Crime in Cairo

Apr 21, 2011 15:24

 Posted by Phyllis Chesler on Feb 21st, 2011 and filed under Daily Mailer, FrontPage.

Journalists are incredibly endangered in the Islamic world. There were more than 140 incidents of journalists being physical attacked in Egypt alone during the so-called 18-day “revolution” in Cairo. Western human rights workers have been kidnapped, held for ransom, tortured, and murdered in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As I suggested previously, the kind of Egyptians in Tahrir Square are not pro-western, pro-modern, pro-democracy, pro-human rights activists; they are Islamist revolutionaries or, if you will, Islamists who wish to “reform” the secular state. The minority of women in the Square are wearing serious hijab and face-veils.
None other than Egyptian Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a profoundly and classically anti-Semitic preacher who has an audience of 40 million viewers on Al-Jazeera, preached today in the Square to hundreds of thousands people. Yes, he actually says things like: “Oh Allah, take the Jews, the treacherous aggressors. Oh Allah, take this profligate, cunning, arrogant band of people. Oh Allah, they have spread much tyranny and corruption in the land. Pour Your wrath upon them, oh our God.” He also approves of female genital mutilation and “light” beating of women. Actually, he is a…moderate. He is also a long time member of the Muslim Brotherhood and has twice turned down offers to be its leader.
According to a number of journalists and scholars who have been covering the Logan atrocity, the jeering, leering, Egyptian gang-rapists kept cursing her as a “Jew.” Then again, this crowd also called Mubarak a “Zionist” and had stars of David/Jewish stars scrawled over his face on countless placards.
President Obama has demanded that the Egyptian police hunt down the gang-rapists. This is a laughable request. It will either lead to nothing-or the Muslim Brotherhood will use his demand as the excuse to murder two hundred of their political opponents-the truly secular pro-individual rights activists-and then say that they were the attackers.
President Obama: If you want to do the right thing, bring the Muslim Brotherhood and the interim military government of Egypt to the International Criminal Court in Holland.
Organized feminist groups: Bring some international lawsuits on behalf of Logan, demonstrate outside the Egyptian Embassies, revise your views of how both Muslim and infidel women are viewed and treated in the Islamic world. This barbarism is endemic to the culture, the region, and the religion, it is not caused by American or Israeli wars of “aggression.” By the way, the National Organization for Women website does not mention Logan’s gang rape. While they do discuss violence against women, and oppose female genital mutilation, their focus remains largely on abortion, employment, and lesbian rights.
I am not saying that journalists should flee the field. I am not denigrating their choice to bring us the news at considerable danger to themselves. I am suggesting that they start to think realistically, clearly. One does not venture into Islamist mobs without a full platoon of Marines by your side to protect each and every journalist.
And I worry: Who will protect the Marines?
By the way: Many Islamist (and uneducated, illiterate, religious) Muslims view raped women as adulterers who should be stoned to death; or as prostitutes who should be flogged, often unto death. In 2008, a 13 year old girl in Somalia was raped by three men and then stoned to death by a crowd of 1000. In 2011, in Bangladesh a 14 year old girl was raped by her cousin, then sentenced to 100 lashes. She died after receiving 60 lashes.
Perhaps Logan got off “easy.” I say this with irony, bitterness, and rage, both on her behalf and on behalf of all the Muslim and Christian women who are also raped, traumatized, shunned, dishonored, jailed, and sometimes also murdered.

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