Boo trek

May 12, 2009 13:14

You know it's a bad sign when you take your computer system to the repair shop, the guy plugs it in and tries turning it on only to display the classic "WTF?" look at what happens next.

So my preccioussss is out of commission for at least 3-5 days
("What really?" "Yea, theres only one guy working here and i'm off tomorrow"  "Well, can I come back there and help you?")
Im beginning to suspect it's a motherboard problem, or a powersupply thing which in turn fried everything else.
Hard drives seem to be fine though, I've pulled all my storage ones out so my pron  documents, music, anime and tv shows are safe.

And lastly, if you havn't seen Star Trek yet, it's really disappointing how the plot was followable, effects were great and acting superb.

Now I'm off to yet another interview, havn't these people got sick of me yet?
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