Mar 16, 2005 12:22
Yavanna, the Giver of Fruits, created all plants and animals and awakened the
Ents to protect the forests of Arda. Kementari, Queen of the Earth, is her
surname. Her most faithful followers are the Druids.
The benefits of Worshipping Yavanna
1. As you increase your piety, Yavanna will grant you the ability to pass
trees while praying.
2. She makes you regenerate faster while praying on grass.
3. She likes it when you kill nonliving creatures, undeads or daemons.
4. She likes it if you charm animals.
5. Yavanna likes Ents.
The disadvantages of Worshipping Yavanna
1. Your piety slowly decreases with time, whether you are praying or not.
2. She doesn't like it if you kill monsters while praying.
3. She hates it if you kill animals while praying.
4. She hates it if you hurt your animal pets.
5. She hates it if you burn or destroy trees with magic or allow monsters to
do so.
6. She will completely abandon you if you wear The One Ring.
Yavanna's Magic
Worshipping Yavanna gives the adventurer access to a set of special spells
that come directly from the hands of Yavanna. These spells use your piety to
cast rather than your spellpoints, and the level of spells that Yavanna will
permit you to use is determined by your Prayer skill - how skillful you are
in asking for her help without offending her!
There is a special book - called the "Forest Tome of Yavanna" which contains
instructions for the procedure for each of the prayers Yavanna will grant.
There are five prayers all told, which are:
1. Charm Animal (Level 1)
Tries to tame animals in a zone around your target.
2. Grow Grass (Level 10)
Create a floor of grass around you. While on grass and praying
a worshipper of Yavanna will know a greater regeneration rate.
3. Tree Roots (Level 15)
Creates roots deep in the floor from your feet making you more stable and
able to do better attacks but prevents any movement (even teleportation).
It also makes you recover from stunning almost immediately.
4. Water Bite (Level 20)
Imbues your melee weapon with a natural stream of water.
At level 25, it spreads over a 1 radius zone around your target.
5. Uproot (Level 35)
Awakes a tree to help you battle the forces of Morgoth.
Each of these spells can be increased in level both by improving your Prayer
skill, and by improving your Spell-power skill.
In addition to her specific magic, Yavanna will also assist with your ability
to use some magic from the "standard" schools, in relation to how skilled you
are at Prayer. These schools are as follows:
Earth School at 1/2 the Prayer skill level.
Nature School at 1/2 the Prayer skill level.
Water School at 1/2 the Prayer skill level.
Temporal School at 1/6 the Prayer skill level.
The spells from these schools are all cast using your normal spellpoints.