Tenth Steal || Video

Jul 16, 2010 12:28

Hey, guys! Just a quick question--

[ Kay seems to be back to her regular energetic self, given how she's running, if the jogging of the camera is to be believed. The flapping of wings also means her Murkrow knows better than to sit on her shoulder right now. And there's some kind of background noise, undecipherable for now. ]

I'm looking to reach a guy who goes by the name of "777", like some kind of slot machine. I've got some things to y-- uh, discuss with him, and it's not just about hitting on me! Though there's that, too, because that was just weird. Mr. Edgeworth's the romance magnet, not me. Anyway, hunting him down would be great. Guys like him are the ones giving thieves a bad reputation!

And also?

[ Kay turns the camera to reveal a whole... herd of Bellsprout WARGARBLing after her, pausing only when Byrne swoops down to send a few flying with flailing vines. ]

Walking through flower patches is fine, but next time you do, check to see if they've got eyes first--! Geez, you guys, I said I was sorry!

((She's about four days along Route 32, if anyone near there feels like staring. Or catching a Bellsprout. Or just ignoring the happy fun times.))

route 32, kay is a failget, epic chase scene, bellsprout look so peaceful, cue benny hill

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