Eighth Steal || Video/Action for Sprout Tower peeps if you so desire

Jul 08, 2010 13:57

[ The camera focuses on... nothing, really. Just an empty space with a Bellsprout statue off at the side. This continues for a minute or so, and then something that looks like assorted clothing just FLOATS BY. Following this is the sound of pounding feet, and the camera follows a girl racing after the clothes ( Read more... )

i ain't fraid of no ghost, where are the ghostbusters, is this what we call fanservice, violet city

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[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 20:51:38 UTC
[What is this fanservice again? A trap card? Oh well, even Crow has enough delivery delicacy not to look directly at her while she's only wearing a towel.]

... I'm guessing you're having trouble with these, too.


[action] yattagarasu July 8 2010, 21:00:04 UTC
I've got no problem with pranks, but these guys don't know when to quit! [ sending her Murkrow after the clothes-stealing one now. ]


[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 21:36:58 UTC
Looks like they don't. Stealing stuff from a thief?

[Because two are better than one, Black Lance gets sent after the floating clothes as well.]


[action] yattagarasu July 8 2010, 21:46:14 UTC
That's right! This is a matter of pride!

[ The Gastly's not brave enough to deal with angry black birds, so he'll drop the clothes and float on over to try and nab Crow's headband instead. ]


[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 22:22:08 UTC
Think of it as a challenge to test your professionalism-- HEY! WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!? You take care of him, Gale!

[Nobody likes Gastlies nabbing things from their heads, so the poor ghost gets himself another pissed off black bird aka Crow. So he now has to face a Pidgey.]


[action] yattagarasu July 8 2010, 22:25:52 UTC
... Yep. I can just see you radiating professionalism.

[ but once Byrne drops her things in her arms, she releases her Hoothoot, who zooms over there to help with the Gastly harassment. ]


[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 23:14:28 UTC
[Grins.] Says the one who had her clothes stolen.

[At this point, he figures he can send his own Hoothoot to fight as well - which he does, because the damn things deserve a good beating up.]


[action] yattagarasu July 8 2010, 23:19:19 UTC
G-ghosts don't usually happen where I'm from! [ not sulky at ALL-- but definitely retreating to some covered area to change. And in the meantime, Windy is having a grand old time Foresighting the Gastly to smack it around. ]


[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 23:41:00 UTC
Neither do they in Neo Domino-- Well. Not ones like these, at least.

[Must be fun, seeing as Gale joins in with Gust.]


[action] yattagarasu July 8 2010, 23:46:19 UTC
[ one QUICK CHANGE later, she trots back out to include her Wooper on the fun, seeing as how a few more of the damned things are showing up. ]

Water Gun! Not like these? What kind - Byrne, try a Pursuit! - do you have?


[action] darkenedgales July 8 2010, 23:56:49 UTC
There was that - Wing Attack! - that D-Wheeler from a few months ago who - oh no, you won't! Peck! - had caused a few accidents on the highway. They called him 'Ghost'. Turned out to be a freakin' robot, too. Darn, how many of these things are gonna pop up? They just run away and come back after a while!


[action] yattagarasu July 9 2010, 00:02:14 UTC
A robot named Ghost? That kind of - Astonish, try to make 'em flinch! - sounds like someone's having an - dodge that!! - identity crisis or something!

... [ hnnnnngh ] Do you think we should use a Repel?


[action] darkenedgales July 9 2010, 00:26:54 UTC
Never had a chance to ask, Yuusei sort of - Hypnosis, now! - threw it off the highway. By accident.

... [This isn't him totally trying to hide the fact he didn't think about it, not at all.] Yeah, we might give it a try! Unless we wanna be stuck here battling them for the next century or so.


[action] yattagarasu July 9 2010, 00:30:57 UTC
By accident? How do you throw something by - Peck!! - accident?

[ and that hiding fails, because Kay just gives him a knowing grin and digs in her pack for a spray. ] Close your eyes, I'm coating us with this! I think we've got enough on our plates without having to deal with ghost fighting forever!


[action] darkenedgales July 10 2010, 01:09:29 UTC
Look, it was a duel with real damage - Pursuit! - so you can't really blame him for that.

[Aw, okay, he lost this one. Oh well, he just does as he's told.] Sure! Go for it, Kay!


[action] yattagarasu July 10 2010, 01:15:11 UTC
But I thought you dueled with cards-- [ giving her head a shake and dousing them both with the spray-- which gets an immediate reaction from the Gastly. Less than two minutes later, they've all fled. ]

... Whew!


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