Fourth Steal || Video/Action if you're in the vicinity

Jun 24, 2010 21:26

[ Right outside of Violet City, on Route 32, AT NIGHT, Kay is in the grass. Not battling, no. Just... watching her Hoothoot hop after everything and challenge it to a head-tilting staring contest. ]

Okay, Miss World Champion Starer, I think most of your victims have gone to bed, and your glory's been captured on film. You can challenge Misola later, man to man-- uh, Hoothoot to Hoothoot! Though you've got the right level of determination, even the Yatagarasu has to--

[ Then something blue launches itself out of the grass and - by the sound of the very girly shriek and the camera suddenly angling skyward - AT KAY'S FACE. Now complete with-- ]



[ Kay either has enough dignity to turn the feed off after a few minutes of yelps and Pokémon noises or does it by accident, but when it's back on, she's not only looking... frazzled, but there is a Wooper. On her head. BEAMING. ]

Well, there goes the bird theme I was going for. Everyone, meet-- what were you again? Flapper? Oh, right, it was Wo--

[ PING goes the Pokégear. ]

Name confirmed: Flapper, female Wooper.

[ Kay looks up at the Wooper, who is still very much :D! She looks at the camera. And then she facepalms. ]

You can't do do-overs, can you?

route 32, kay is a failget, nicknames gone wrong, wooper is not a bird

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