Just another lifeless imperfection

Jul 08, 2005 14:10

so i had come back from band practice with three new written songs, my favorite i would have to say is called 'While i dig your grave' I do not want to write all the lyrics on here for the anticipation you shall have to encounter first so instead i will only put the chorus...
There's a grave somewhere,
In it lies all hopes and dreams,
Where the dancers don't dance and no hope gleams.

There's a grave somewhere,
In it you wil find no smiles,
Where the singers don't sing for thousands of miles.

There's a grave somewhere,
As you cut it gets bigger and bigger,
And I, my friend, I'm the gravedigger.

so yes that is what we have. Sometime soon we are going to be recording and hopefully coming out with a demo that we can give out to some big lables...nothing is impossible my friends. so i wrote this poem yes, and here im gunna write it comments would be very much appreciated thanks.
Mystery, grotesque and fanciful,
entices my very heart and soul.
Curiosity flows through my veins,
never to be undone.
When my curiosity is begun,
nothing can feed its hunger
but a mischevious glance at
that which gave it birth.
Might I give my soul
that which it longs for so desperately?
To understand that which
cannot be understood.
To see that which
cannot be seen.
To grasp that which
cannot be grapsed.
To find that which cannot
and does not wish to be found.
I say, no, and that I would
mcuh rather let that desparity
and hunger grow
until nothing is out of my reach.
The very essence of that which
palpetates through my longing veins
will push me forth, bringing me,
my flesh and soul,
to the realization and epiphany
of understanding which,
for so long, I desired to gain.
And once it is found,
seen, and grasped,
my soul shall find peace,
my blood shall ceace flowing,
my mind shall be at rest.
My life's very purpose
will be complete, and thus,
I shall die,
with no regrets.
None tha than be named,
seen, or grapsed.

ah yes fancy that eh? Today i am going to go with nick, ryan, cassie, andrew, dave, eric, and perhaps david hopefully not cece to the AMC to check out The Fantastic Four. I believe it shall be quite grand yes oh so grand. *sigh* i found out that my dad is moving sooner than i thought, the only good news is that im not moving. my mom and i are staying here. I guess im relieved although i do wonder what it would be like to start over. All that shit that happend over last summer seems to almost be forgotten to everyone else yet i still cannot get it off my mind. its hard to let something like that go, and it only makes it harder when you go outside and have to look at the location each day. But i guess thats what makes us stronger am i right? Well when my dad moves i think things will be better anyway. Neither of my parents are happy i dont need to be a genius to see that. But hey everything happens for a reason...or so i would like to believe...but what can you believe these days? Irony is only for the insecure..so what does that leave us? not much really...just simple satisfaction. Think about it.

Check out the pics kay~

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