Warwick Goble - 2.

Apr 02, 2011 11:36

В догонку к этому посту....

И хороших Вам выходных....

Lirope the Bright.


Plea of the Midsummer Fairies.


Six Swans.

The Elf Queen.

The Ferlie.

The Golden Ball.

The Lady Gave her Purse.

The Nautilus is my Boat.

The Vearies.

Three Lambs.

Three Spirits filled with Joy.

White Cat.

William Shakespeare A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Wake, when some vile thing is near.

William Shakespeare. Sea-Nymphs - Ding-Dong, Bell.

Zenobia, Queen of Palmyria.

Мифология, Фэнтези, Сказки, Художники, Акварель, Иллюстрации, Великобритания, XIX-XX век., Ню, Живопись

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