If this is panic, go away. If I am getting sick *AGAIN* then fuckity fuck fuck. Please be panic. And then please be going away.
On a fandom-related note, I found my first ever fic that I wrote, like probably some time in 2004 (holy shit) being sporked on a community. I laughed. I really did. It was ridiculously funny. And then I remembered that I tried to revise the Mary-Sue infested story, and I still have that posted. And then I *headdesked* seriously. LOL.
I think I'm gonna keep the story up just to show how far I've come. And to remind myself that even Mary-Sue authors may have potential yet. (Wait, did I just brag? Oh well. I'm still quite proud of
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4936453/1/The_Dripping_of_the_Faint_Hearted and
Now I want to write a dark Rogue/Wolverine stalker!fic. With maybe Rogue as the stalker...
I also want to write a Martha Jones/Lucy Saxon fic, but I don't even know where to begin...
And can I just say, again, that "The Eleventh Hour" episode of Doctor Who was ASTONISHINGLY BRILLIANT?!?! No self, you cannot watch the next episodes in poor quality online, you are to wait until Saturday, when it airs on BBCAmerica.