Mar 09, 2009 11:40
I'm not even sure if I have enough friends for this. XD
1. Pick 10 of your favorite movies.
2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Strike it out when someone guesses correctly, and put who guessed it and the movie.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search or other search functions.
6. No looking at my favorite movies on my Facebook page.
"_____" indicates that a name has been removed.
1. "Did you like that? USA... Ulcered Sphincter of Ass-erica, I mean what else can you say?"
2. "I loved your mother. I love her still. You are my son. I never knew you existed. And I never felt pride as a father... until this moment."
3. "It's psychotic! They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional..."
4. "I'm on Planet 'X' lookin' for a dweeb who wears green fatigues. He wears glasses. He has long hair. And he sneezes. Chicken. Chicken! Yes, Chicken Man!"
5. "Tell my son the time that his father died. Tell him..."
6. "It is simple. You will never forgive yourself. Accept it. You hurt others, m any others, that cannot be undone. You will never find personal retribution, but your life does not have to end. That which is right, just and true can still prevail. If you do not fight for what you believe in all may be lost for everyone else. But do not fight for yourself, fight for others, others that may be saved through your effort. That is the least you can do."
7. "Oh yes... such practices. The Geishas of Japan, the concubines of Siam, the catamites of Greece, the harlots of India. I have them all here, drawings of them. Everything you've ever dreamed of doing with a woman. Would you like to see?"
8. "There's something I can do for the talent, that I know how to do it since High School."
"You're not gonna have sex on stage."
9. "This woman is yours now. I've paid my whore."
10. "Me holds are burstin' with swag. That bit of shine matters to us? Why?"