(no subject)

Apr 30, 2010 12:29

player info.
name/handle: Giselle
contact info: AIM | nice boy souji
personal journal: protagonist
previous characters: -

character info.
character name: Souji Seta
canon & medium: Persona 4, video game
age & species: 17; Japanese
appearance: here at the wiki! It includes some of his other outfits, too.
timeline: Early December, when he still thinks Namatame is the killer. <-- lol spoiler
background/history link: wiki again.


Souji's personality is left up to the interpretation of the player, for the most part, as he is a silent protagonist. However, this doesn't change the fact that there is some degree of a canonical personality that the game has set for him, as he does have an inner narrative that shows through his actions and choices in his infrequent dialogue. Souji is friendly and enjoys helping out many of the people that he's met in Inaba, including his family, his friends on the investigation team, classmates at his school, or even some people around town, making him a bit popular. He is a very patient person and a good listener, which are qualities that earn him his role of leader to the investigation team. He's very willing to look out and care for every one of his friends, and will easily put himself in danger for their sake.

It is also implied that Souji is very intelligent. He gets excellent grades in class, placing highly on his exams much to the (friendly) jealousy of his classmates. He's also skilled in cooking and cleaning (Yosuke even called him "good with his hands"), along with some other hobbies, such as building model Gundams robots, making envelopes, folding cranes, and caring for kids. He uses some of these natural talents to make money from some jobs around town, along with volunteer work and caring for his little cousin, Nanako, who has affectionately given him the title of "big bro". Not to mention, he's highly involved in his school's sports team and culture club. The boy has a lot on his hands.

However, he is not by any means perfect. Considering how active he is in the community along with having to take on shadows inside of the TV World, he can stretch himself a bit thin. With the stress of exams, helping his friends with their problems, and, of course, fighting villainous creatures in the TV, it's nothing short of amazing when he can somehow handle all of that. There's also the fact that he has a strong tendency to grow close to his friends, only to assume that they'll wait for him to finish dealing with his other friends' problems. Ultimately, Souji will leave them by the end of the year, too. However, that much is not within his power, as much as he'd like to stay in Inaba.

Souji is a strong character, overall, so it's no surprise that he's won over the affections of half the town. He is rather charming, after all, and people are naturally drawn to his easy-going qualities. However, there's more to him than meets the eye, and delving into the possible interpretations are precisely what makes him all the more interesting.

( I apologize that this section is a bit short, but -- with being a silent protagonist and all, it can be difficult to say a lot. With that said, I'll be happy to try and expand further if need be!)

abilities: Souji is a Persona-user with the wild card ability. In other words, he's been granted the ability to swap Personas in the midst of battle, taking advantage of their elements, strengths, and weaknesses. A Persona could be defined as a manifestation that emerges from one's personality when summoned, and is able to fight for you. It can only be called upon inside of the TV. However, this restriction would be removed in a roleplay setting with powers enabled. Due to having the wild card ability, he is able to go into the Velvet Room as he pleases, where he can fuse his Personas for even stronger ones.

Besides his Persona skills, he's surprisingly skilled with a two-handed sword, which is his alternative when he prefers to handle the fighting himself.

any plans for your character here? Nothing in particular, but I would like to develop some good panfandom CR for him, knowing his social nature and all.

possessions: A two-handed sword, his special TV glasses, a cell phone (which probably won't work here, I imagine), and a good portion of the money he's made from his part-time jobs.

sample journal entry:

[ voice ]

I can't help but wonder about that giant.

[ Souji's voice is calm and collected as it plays through your devices. ]

Grandore, was it? The caravan must be incredibly heavy. Is there something in it for him, or does he feel bad for us? [ It was something to think about, for sure. ] Maybe he's just a genuinely kind person who wants to help us. That's a nice thought, I think.

And another thing to question -- is he really a giant? Or are we just small? ... This world works in mysterious ways.

third-person sample:

Souji certainly never asked to be brought here. That much was for sure. However, he was able to find it within himself to almost appreciate his surroundings, despite everything. Of course, he's read up on places like this before, because Souji liked to read anything with a good story -- mostly, through fairytale storybooks and the like; stories that would tell of luscious green forests, ponds, cottages, woodland creatures, and quite possibly even things such as fairies. It's something he never once thought he'd witness himself, especially between places such as the city and Inaba. If such a place were to exist, he always envisioned it to be somewhere in Europe; Ireland, perhaps?

With the Caravan making its first stop, Souji took it upon himself to explore the area a bit. The first thing to catch his attention was a pond so picture-perfect, it looked as though it was taken right out of a postcard. There were lilypads and bright green frogs hopping about, nearly as if they were told to make this scenario as dreamlike as physically possible. Souji bent his knees, grabbing a rock by the pond's shore, before tossing it into the water, startling the colorful fishes that swam beneath. Four skips. He'll never understand where or how he learned that, but it was one of his little talents that came in handy sometimes. He remembers the day he impressed Nanako with it.

He turned around to head back to the Caravan, thinking he should probably regroup with his friends again, before he's staring straight at a young deer. A fawn, he thought to himself, looking a little surprised at the sudden encounter. I wonder if its mother is around. Souji, unable to repress his fondness for cute animals, carefully stepped closer, as to avoid alarming it. As a precaution, he'd sometimes carry around a small pack of crackers, were he ever hungry in a place he couldn't access food, and he fishes it out of his pocket before tearing open the plastic and holding it out to the fawn. The fawn warily walked close, before leaning in to sniff at Souji's offering. Souji wouldn't dare move. After a few moment's time, the fawn happily ate the cracker, and nudged its nose against Souji's hand, allowing him to pet its head. The little guy was clearly hungry for more. Souji chuckled a little to himself, before offering him another cracker.

Suddenly, there was a voice resonating in his head.

Thou art I, and I am thou...
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