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Apr 08, 2010 13:17

Alright -- here's what Amat asked for:

In order to more accurately process your application, we would like to ask for a few revisions.

The application would like to see an expansion of Sora's personality to better detail the growth and development he has from the original Kingdom Hearts all the way to Kingdom Hearts 2. It was felt that the change and maturity he'd gone through wasn't adequately described and that his defensiveness and habit of getting into fights over it also wasn't mentioned.

Here is my revision:

» Personality:

» Personality:

Open-minded and positive, Sora's optimism is probably what stands out the most in his personality -- somehow, he's able to find light in every situation, no matter how dark they may seem. He holds a strong sense of justice, and keeps his friends close to his heart. In his eyes, friends are the most important things a person can have, because they are his strength. Sora may be quick to anger, quick to jump to conclusions and act before he thinks, but his intentions are always good-natured. He's... not exactly the brightest crayon in the box, and he has a tendency to be incredibly naive at times, but he is far from stupid. There's a sense of childlike innocence about him (he does believe in Santa Claus, after all -- or still would, were it not for Riku), but he knows how to handle tense situations, too. As the Keyblade master, he has to know when to be an adult about things.

Despite all of the terrible people he's run into on his journey to find Riku and Kairi, whom he puts above everyone else, he's always looking to give them a second chance. There must be good in every person, Nobody, Heartless -- there just has to be. In Kingdom Hearts II, Maleficent loses control of the Heartless, and Sora shows quite obvious signs of concerns for her. Though there are several more examples of this throughout the series, the strongest of all would be the situation with his best friend, Riku. Riku fell to the darkness and betrayed Sora, but it's Riku, and Sora finds it within himself to move past that, and that it was just a mistake. Sometimes, he even needs to convince Riku himself that it's okay.

Another thing to note is how competitive Sora is at times. Whether it's for Kairi's attention or to win a simple contest, Sora's almost always up for a challenge. Examples include Riku and Sora's frequent competitions back on Destiny Islands even from when they were kids, or when it comes to signing up for the Cups held at the Olympus Coliseum. Riku often teased and taunted Sora when they were young, and Sora always felt the need to prove Riku wrong, adding to his own personal defensive side. He also doesn't take kindly to being called "kid", and will insist on being called by his name. This facet of Sora's personality manages to land him into some conflicts.

Throughout the games from the beginning of Kingdom Hearts to the end of Kingdom Hearts II, we're able to subtly observe the maturing in Sora's personality. In the beginning, he was naive, seeking adventure in the other worlds out there with his best friends by his side. Once the responsibility of said adventure by becoming the Keyblade bearer was placed upon him, he was at a loss of what to do next. Sure, find Riku and Kairi, but what did everything mean? He had no idea what he was truly stepping into. Little idea of how the worlds worked, about darkness, the Heartless, Ansem's true identity -- all he had equipped was his own sense of morals and ideals that he strictly followed. And by having such a good heart, he was able to make it through. For the most part.

In Chain of Memories, Sora's memories are all screwed up thanks to Marluxia's orders for Namine, but he never loses sight of what's most important: Keeping his promise to Kairi (whom Namine had replaced with herself). The bonds of his friendship with Donald and Goofy are strengthened when they remain by his side, despite how much of a jerk Sora's been to them. Throughout everything, he finds it within himself to forgive both Namine and the Riku Replica, and he allows Namine to fix his memories.

Sora wakes up in Kingdom Hearts II, and though his memories of Castle Oblivion are gone, the experience remains somewhere deep in his heart. He's still generally the same goofball as before, it's evident he's matured quite a bit -- not only in looks, but in personality. Sora is no longer oblivious towards what he's stepping into. He has to find Riku and the King no matter what, and he has a better understand of the Keyblade's powers and why he's the person chosen to wield it. Towards the end, he understands the nature of the Nobodies, and Riku's motives from the past are clearer to him. Upon returning to Destiny Islands, he appears to be satisfied with his journey. He no longer wonders what's out in the other worlds; he's seen them all, seen both the dark and light sides of people's hearts. What it means to be human. The hearts of every person Sora meets are all connected, and he's the key to them all. "Don't ever change," Kairi asks Sora before his journey, but it's impossible to say that he hasn't.
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