Mar 26, 2009 20:33
Although I do think it's contributed to my actually getting homework done this year, not having internet in our house kind of sucks. I keep having to write, save the entries on Semagic and post them when I can mooch wireless at Sofia or Gonzalo's house.
This morning I wrote the "final exam" for Español V. It was four pages long, and by far the easiest test I've ever written in my life, and that includes grade school.
Page one: Five questions involving the "conjecturas" that we spent way too much time on that can literally be explained thoroughly in thirty seconds. (Watch, I'll teach you: "Sara must be sleeping." = "Sara ha de estar durmiendo." Bam. Taught.)
Page two: Fill in the blanks with seven oraciones. Then a little section that basically came down to changing indicative to subjunctive, something we've known how to do since Español III.
Page three: Entirely filled with a conversation between two guys named Pedro and Pablo.
Page four: Spaces to explain Pedro and Pablo's vocab phrases. In context, from a given conversation. Which meant that even if we had never seen the vocabulary before in our lives, we could deduce it from the conversation and do fine.
And that was our final exam.
This school is a joke.
Anyways, we have a different teacher for level 6, the highest level they offer at the escuela, and that starts on Monday. I really hope we go faster and learn more with that class, but I guess at this point we've learned most of the teachable stuff and now it's just weird literary grammar, idiom vocab and practice³. We only have one week of classes (AKA four days) left anyway before Semana Santa, our reading break, which is two weeks long. WHAT WENT SO FANTASTICALLY WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY.
Right now I'm watching the Simpsons and waiting for Gonz to get back from the gym. I wish I could have gone with him but my six month membership ran out yesterday and I can't afford to renew it. I get enough exercise playing football and gettin' down anyway, so I'll just have to do both of those more often. And I'll lift cans of frijoles to keep my arms up.
I really don't want this year to be over. Sofia and I have been talking about how incredibly not excited we are to go back to the real world. Hell, I'm already planning for my triumphant return to Mexico after I graduate. But the really sad thing is that it'll never quite be the same. This year is too perfect. Mexico would be amazing any time, but how often are you also going to have 40 other people your age who speak english, half of whom are Canadian, to hang out and party with while you get university credit.
Man, Deerhunter, you are incredibly disappointing.
So it's the weekend, but I'm not really feeling it quite yet. I know as soon as I go out I'll get back into the spirit though. It's so warm out. Tonight we're going to start at Sofia's house, then probably head to Akbal after a while to see if Marco's lies are actually true and our buddy Arjuna isn't the main DJ anymore. Man that guy's a class A douche. Buuuut I guess I should go brush my teeth and put on a more going-outy dress.
Damn, Deerhunter. Srsly.