in light of the new year approaching

Dec 22, 2005 21:47

so winter break is here, and i cant believe that half the school year is over. im leaving to NYC tomorrow (still haffta pack...opps)  and wont be back till after my birthday.....

so im starting a new tradition, and im going to write everything that was learned this year... and ill try to do it in cronilogical order...well see how that works
  • dont get into a relationship with someone unless you think you a) really like them and b) they like you the same amount, give or take, as you like them
  • old campuses are amazing
  • freshman year is definitly over exagerated as bad. i thought it was rather amazing, and so far, kicks sophmore year's ass!
  • pictures can say so many things, more then a thousand words, for sure.
  • people tend to take jokes directed at them too seriously, so be carefull
  • warped tour is amazing, not just becuase of the bands, but because of the atmosphere
  • first day of school isnt as bad as we all like to think
  • time passes too quickly for us to think ahead. just enjoy it while you still can (can you believe half the school year is gone??)
  • guys mature so much in high school, and yes, a year really can make a HUGE difference
  • in the long run, how long will it take you to forget a grade you got on a test? (i sure as hell cant remember anything from the first quarter)
  • its best to tell people how you feel truly, because you never know when the unthinkable could happen and all will crash.
  • don't play with peoples hearts if you can help it
  • life means nothing without memories
  • dr weigel is a moron
  • all it takes is a weekend with some amazing people to remember what its like to be truly happy and lighthearted again
  • if your comfortable with yourself, others will be comfortable around you too
  • you find friends in people you never would have expected
  • its better to be persitant then naturally good
  • though you can cram for piano, its SOOOOOOOOOO not worth it
  • things can always be worse
  • if you set up a plan that youll look forward to, who cares if you follow through, because after all, its the journey and not the destination, right?
  • I CANT BELIEVE IN A FEW DAYS, I SHALL HAVE BEEN LIVING FOR 16 YEARS, DAMN! thats a long time, and in only two years, i shall have moved on from my parents, from high school and start a life thats semi-my-own. later to be followed by all on my own, of course.

yea, so thats it, i think. the major things that i learned. so my birthday is in like nine days, yes, we ARE down to single digit countdown now, i know, i know, amazing. haha. well, thats all i suppose. much love to you all, happy hanukkah, merry christmas, what ever applies, and a happy and lucky new year to you all, and to all a good night, haha.
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