warped tour

Aug 07, 2005 08:49

wow, warped tour was amazing!

we get there at 10:50, ten minutes before they open the gate (kara, sarah, margolis and me, that is)and we cut the whole line just getting in front, cuz there was a road in between the line and the ticket booth, so we were like, uuhh..... not waiting, haha. neway, so we get in, program all the times into our fones that we wanted to see, and set off to gather some free stuff...we got a lot of free stuff. neway, after that, we went back to the main two stages to hear some of the bands. i was six rows away from senses fail (it was supposed to be fall out boy, but they had some "technical difficulties" whatever that means) when lora calls to tell me that shes there, but someone (who said he would go meet here when she got there) wasnt answering their fone...haha. neway, so i had to get out n go meet her. from what i hear though, i did ok about the concert, cuz the place i was at got into some serious moshing n people were like getting stepped on n stuff...AND I GOT STORY OF THE YEARS SIGNATURE!!!!!!!!! im so excited, my favorite band there was story of the year. i love them! then we went to story of the years concert, n i was at the gate!!!!! it was soooooooo cool! n the bass guitarist kept coming like right next to us, it was so awesome!!!!!! then in the middle we see quinton crowd surfing, hahaha! it was so great. i love them!!!!!! *clears throat* neway, n then we continued to go around walking. we got some free monster energy drinks n stuff, but ali had fallen in the mosh pit, so she wanted to go get another shirt, so we went, me n her, to walk around n look at them. we got to this peta stand, n i sign up (to get more free stuff) n i ask the guy if i get nething for being vegetarian, n hes like "a hug? a kiss? idk, what do u want? i have water, u want water?" so he gave me this moshing water in this awesome can of warped tour with the pinky swear that i was vegetarian, n that no one could drink from it unless they were vegetarian/vegan too. haha. it was funny. neway, then we found shirts for five bucks, so i got one n ali got one, it was cool. i got some more free pins from fuse, n then we went to go meet back up with everyone. neway, more concerts, n then, right in the middle of fall out boy, it started raining with lightning, so they stopped the show. the clouds were so thick, they were blocking the sun, so i was freezing, but i had split with the group during fall out boy, n my fone wasnt working cuz EVERYONE was on the fone, so i could call neone, but finally lora called and the call made it through (a couple times i picked up n the system let the call go, or i would pick up n she wouldnt realize) so we met up, n margolis came too, and will n stuff. so after half an hour, it didnt look like it was going to let up, n i was freezing, so i called my dad to come to pick us up. after an hour of that, waiting that is, fall out boy started again, so we went to go watch them, n then five minutes later my dad called so we left. we were drenched n smelled so much, i felt bad for my dad, but it was my moms car, so he was a good sport, haha. WARPED TOUR WAS AMAZING, N IM GOING EVERY YEAR!!!!!!!!!
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