2010 Cosplay in Review

Dec 23, 2010 14:00

What a fantastic year! I participated in three major cons, two minor cons, and went to at least four other smaller cosplay related events. Moving to Atlanta earlier this year really opened up opportunities to make more costumes and meet more amazing people, plus spend more time with the wonderful people I already know. Highlights from this year include winning Best in Show as part of a group at AWA, being a part of a fantastic and complete FFXIII group at Dragon*Con along with lionboogy's Shiva bike, and getting to do so many amazing groups with the ladies of kamikazekiss! The three of us spent so many hours slaving away in my sewing room, but it all made for some great memories. ♥

As one year comes to a close, planning for the coming year is in full swing. I'm hoping to start the year off with a dream costume of mine from Lunar and then fill the year with many epic costumes and groups, including lots of Fairy Tail!

Here's an overview of all the costumes that came into play this year (following koneko and katielovespink's format):

First Row:
Ritsu "Don't Say Lazy" ~ K-On!
Ritsu "Listen" ~ K-On!
Vanille ~ FFXIII
Kitty Pryde ~ Utlimate X-Men

Second Row:
Ruffnut ~ How to Train Your Dragon Costume by samu_chan
Felicia ~ Darkstalkers
Miyako ~ Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Levi ~ Fairy Tail

Third Row:
Scout ~ Team Fortress 2
Alternate Viola ~ Eternal Sonata
Nun Felicia ~ Cross Edge
Sukumizu Ritsu ~ K-On!

Fourth Row:
Christmas Juvia ~ Fairy Tail
Pajama Juvia ~ Fairy Tail

Kitty and Scout are technically costumes from 2009, but since I didn't get any good pictures or wear them for very long until 2010, I'm counting them for this year.

I really had a great time doing all of these costumes. If I had to pick a favorite though, it's probably Ruffnut, even though I didn't make the costume, only the wig. samu_chan did an awesome job and I loved being that character, a character that is so unlike me. Plus, How to Train Your Dragon is just an amazing movie from this year that I could watch over and over again. Here's where I stick in a note and ask that everyone check out reo's latest AMV which happens to be from Dragons and always brings a smile to my face...though the song gets stuck in my head.

Vanille is a close second because of everyone who came together to make that epic FFXIII group with special love to my Hope (envel) and Fang (katielovespink)!

I also think Felicia deserves a mention along with my beautiful partners who brought me out of my shell to walk around Dragon*Con mostly naked, koneko and samu_chan. Seriously, how are we going to top those? Also, this wig may be one of my favorite wigs of all time simply because of how big and blue it is!

Honestly, I have special memories for nearly all of these costumes, but I'm going to stop here with the review and just summarize that I had a great year and I appreciate everyone who was there with me.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year!
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