Nov 30, 2009 14:35
So, my friend is taking another possible 45 minute bath just to do one simple thing. Shave her armpits. At least, that's what she told me. I don't know. She could be making stuff up to keep herself in the bath for a longer time than just a few minutes. I suggested she use the shower to use less water. She told me, "There's two razors in the house and I don't want to use my dad's," and I said, "Granted, but you could always use your mom's in YOUR bathroom, to use less water," "I don't know, I guess I just like baths" and I said "Okay, whatever floats your boat"
I make a suggestion, and she doesn't even listen to me. So whatever. If she wants to waste water, that's fine by me. I mean, her bathroom has a mirror too. So does her mom's. So it's like, if you have what she has and get symptoms often, why go to a place where it's welcomed? I mean, she doesn't like mirrors, which is understandable. But, still... I'm thinking, "Why do that?" Not only that, but she's left her own "service" dog out here in the living room with me. What good is she gonna do out here? Because my friend told me yesterday, when she gets symptoms, she doesn't tell anybody. She doesn't even really speak aloud, to warn others. So, if she has something in there, I won't know about it. And her dog wouldn't do anything anyway. She'd sit in there and lick my friend to calm her down. But, how would I ever know?
The last time she had a serious one, her dog's sister alerted me because her dog was outside with her... Eating grass. My friend was bawling her eyes out and if I didn't see the other dog looking at the door, while periodically looking at me I wouldn't have known she was in need of help.
Of course, a lot of people don't believe her when she says she has these mental issues. Myself, I don't know because it's the whole "if I don't see it I don't believe it" sort of thing. That doesn't work with being spiritual or anything like that, so it's just this issue. I can't tell if she's serious or just gartering attention, you know? But, that's only because in the past, she'd do certain things to gain attention since her brothers would always get the attention. Understandable, again. But, that also causes others to take it with a grain of salt, even when she's being serious.
Example, she'd go to the hospital over a side pain or whatever and her folks would get upset because they'd think she was faking it just to be in the hospital for attention. Now, I don't entirely believe that, but, I also don't entirely find it made up, either.
What gets me the most is, I often times have to be a completely different person around her otherwise what I say or do can hurt her feelings, and after she tried to overdose on pain killers, I know what she's capable of. I mean, she could seriously overdose if she really, really wanted to. She has meds that don't cope well with alcohol and such. So, she could if she wanted to. But, that's what makes me think that it's all for attention because the day she DID overdose... It was on Ibuprofen. Which is designed to make you hurl if you take too many.
Scared the hell out of me of the knowing that she tried and has other meds she could seriously overdose on.
Anyway... I'm done now. At least, with that whole thing.
Onto a not so much better topic... One of my best friends is moving to Arizona with her family tomorrow... It was supposed to be this morning, but plans changed and gave her an extra day. So, yea... She might want to hang out today, but I'm not sure. And seeing as we have no car this afternoon, and I'm stuck 45 minutes away from home... Yea, I don't think that's gonna work to well.
Heh, I just asked her dog to go find her and she walked around the living room then laid down. So I'm all, "Yea, you're a really smart dog" which, I know she is... But, when it comes to something like that, she just doesn't do jack squat. Luckily, just yesterday she told me that her "service" dog is serving more as a comfort dog. Which, I think should have been done to begin with. But no, she had to get her certified and takes the dog everywhere. Aside from into her mom's bathroom with her. Pff... It's been about fifteen or twenty minutes now. If she's in there any longer, I'm gonna look at her when she comes out and say, "Yea, right. Not very long? Pff, right,"
But yea... I don't want my friend to go tomorrow... As I told another friend of mine, I feel like a puppy that found a really fun toy to play with and once I really get to liking this toy, it's taken away. Maybe this is God's way of saying don't take your friends for granted? Could very well be... So, I'm not gonna just push aside a friend who wants to hang out. Well, if I'm sick or something, then I'm gonna have to. But another reason why I spent the night at this friend's house. I didn't want to take for granted anymore. After this friend moves, sadly, I'm not gonna do that anymore.
No matter how annoying the friend, I'm not gonna take for granted. Because, a true friend is a very good thing. And all my friends, aside from a couple, have been true to me.
My high school friend, pff... She hasn't been very true to me. Sure, she was there when I needed a shoulder to cry on and more often than not, I was her shoulder to cry on. But, things happened, if anything I guess, and she stopped talking to me. Actually, I can't recall anything that was said that could have made her stop talking to me.
That day at the mall, will always ring in my head. My friend approaches another friend of mine and I and gives my friend one of the biggest hugs I've seen in a long, long time. But ignored me. Entirely. She wouldn't even make eye contact with me. So I stood there thinking yea okay what was that for? Then she hugged my friend again and said, "See you later" and walked off with her boyfriend/fiancee. What made me feel better was, my friend was all, "Aw, I saw that, do you want a hug?" and I said, "Yes, very much so" and she gave me a hug. Now this person, doesn't often hug. So, that made me feel good. But that display just irked and upset me greatly.
So, I never saw that friend again. Not by my choice, but by the fact that she probably moved out of town and is living somewhere else now. What pisses me off though, is the fact that she has Facebook and my ex-boyfriend on her friend list. Not that I'm jealous of that, but the fact that she'll talk to him and HAS the internet but ignores me is beyond me. I want another friend to try and add her to their list to see what happens. Or even send her a message to be all hey how are ya how ya been and such. But, I'm sure she would ignore it. Because she's a bitch that way.
Gtg now bai