Sit boy. .........I said osuwari!!

Mar 14, 2010 13:53

Name: Nikki.
Age: 19.
Gender: Female.
A few of your strengths: I'm moralistic; I stick to my beliefs and are proud of them--no one can change my mind about them. I also have a strong sense of faith that has gotten me through tough times. I'm a happy type of person so it's also hard to bring me down. I have a good temper unless ALL my buttons are pushed...then I'll snap back. I'm also an old-fashioned romantic so I'm looking for the real thing.
A few of your weaknesses: Guilt. I can be guilt-tripped easily. I also tend to procrastinate and am sensitive.
Your general mood: Easy-going and friendly.
Personality in five words or less: Generous, friendly, maternal, cheerful, loyal.

Favorite Inuyasha character and why: This is a hard one. I've always favored Kagome is terms of admiring her sweet but strong personality. But crush wise, InuYasha and Sesshomaru. Aha.
Least favorite Inuyasha character and why: Kikyou. I hate her. She gets in the way of everything, tends to distract the group--mainly InuYasha--away from their current goals whenever she shows up, is a drama queen, puts a wedge in between Kagome and InuYasha's relasionship, and is selfish in terms that she won't move on like she should and wants what she (sadly) had to leave behind.
All-time favorite anime character and why: All-time? Kyou Sohma from Fruits Basket! Pretty much for the same reason as I liked InuYasha; he has that 'rough on the outside but soft on the inside' personality.
All-time hated anime character and why: Toughie... Probably still Kikyou.
Do you tend to help others or help yourself first? Help others without a second thought.
If you have a disagreement, the best way to change their mind is to kick their ass, right? No. I think it's best to talk it out and come to a compromise. You should only kick their tush if it gets physical and your defending yourself or they really deserve it.
Would you rather learn from your mistakes, or forget them? Learn from them, so it doesn't happen again and I could maybe pass some advice onto others.

If you're in line and someone cuts right in front of you, what do you do? Tap them on the shoulder and tell them I was in line before them, hinting for them to get back.
You are walking through the forest when suddenly you are surrounded by a group of bandits. What do you say and do? Seeing as the bandits are usually male, I'd ask what they want and defend myself if they got to close; I'd use my weapon and if I don't have one, kick and knee them in the "ouch" area.
You're a demon with a shikon shard that boosts your power. Inuyasha suddenly rushes at you and wants to take it. What do you do? Oh boy... Uhm, well I'm not greedy for power, so if I don't need it I'd probably hand it over but not if InuYasha was a jerk about it and demanding--probably after I hear it's Kagome's job to protect the full jewel. But if I need it for some reason like protecting my family or clan, I'd fight for it.

This or That
High or low self-esteem? Pretty high, but I'm humble at the same time.
Submissive or Dominant: Dominant but not controlling. I just won't be bossed around but know when to submit to a good leader or advice.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Leader or Follower: Leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy when it comes to romance, but otherwise I'm friendly and open.
Modest or Bold: A mix of both, it depends on what the situation calls for.

Any character you feel you shouldn't be voted as? Any character that's rude, selfish or nasty, really. Or flirty. I'm not anything like that. Maybe Naraku or InuYasha?

Anything else? I'd like a female stamp, please. And thanks for voting!

The 3 links to the posts you have voted on:

stamped: sango

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