Mar 29, 2010 20:10
Hi! I'm very new to this fandom--I only discovered the series a day or two ago, and just finished chapter 7. I'm posting here in hopes that I can find some information on what comes after: how many chapters have been released now? I take it the series is still ongoing (if I find out that it has, in fact, been cancelled or put on hiatus, I will despair. Melodramatically, but with feeling), but I haven't heard of anything past chapter 15. Have any chapters past 7 been scanlated yet? I know it's one of Aerandria's current projects and they're working on the next couple of chapters, but I thought I'd double-check there wasn't a translated 8 floating around somewhere.
I'd ask someone to point me to raws as well, but I can't read Japanese and I'd probably just torture myself trying to figure out what was going on in them. :P
Any info on releases etc. is much appreciated! Sorry to start off by pestering the fandom with my queries. This has to be one of the best manga series I've come across in a while, but, like most of my favourites, it seems to be obscure in the English-speaking world, which makes finding out information rather difficult. Thanks!