Yuletide 2016

Oct 08, 2016 13:41

Some of this letter is c&p'd from years past, because I'm a predictable person I guess.

Another year, another Yuletide! Thank you for signing up to write in one of my fandoms! I can't wait to see whatever you come up with, and with these fandoms, chances are I'll love whatever it is you choose to write. If my requests/prompts/details don't catch your interest, just remember that Optional Details Are Optional, and that I will be thrilled to get fic in any of these fandoms at all.

As far as my basic preferences go: I am okay with gen, het, slash, and femslash. If I've indicated a pairing preference in my request, don't feel pressured to write it! I'm a big gen lover, and I'll specifically note if there's a pairing I don't want to see with the characters I've requested. Also, a confession: I usually skim through sex scenes. I know, I know, what am I doing in fandom if I skim past the porn. But I am almost always way more interested in character interaction than in sexy times. Feel free to include sex scenes! I'd just really prefer that porn not be the whole point of the fic. Things I love: banter, subtle but meaningful declarations of love and/or trust, characters finding home and family with each other, the smaller moments of domesticity or the calm before the storm, crossovers, epic and detailed worldbuilding, women being complex and awesome, hilarious shenanigans, and indulgent emotional hurt/comfort. For a giant list of my narrative kinks, see here. Things I don't love: dark fic, character bashing, character death, non-con, infidelity, incest, alpha/beta/omegaverse fic, unhappy endings. Also, while I generally love AUs, I love these fandoms for their settings and the characters in those settings, so I'd prefer no AUs (canon-divergent AUs okay though).

1. The Last Samurai - Helen Dewitt (Ludo, Sybilla)

My desires in terms of Last Samurai fic are simple: I just want to know what happens to Ludo and/or Sybilla, after the book. Especially Ludo. Who does he end up being, when he grows up? What does he do with his brilliant mind? Hell, what name does he choose to go by? I'd really just love to see something about an older Ludo interacting with the world and the interesting people in it, a sort of extension of the kind of adventures he got up to in the book.

I'd also love to know more about Sybilla, whose character arc I thought ended up getting somewhat short shrift. How does her life change as Ludo grows up? Does she enter the world again, academic or otherwise? How does she continue to deal with her depression?

This is my third fourth fifth sixth year requesting this, and I live in hope! Here is what I said in years past: I wrote about my thoughts on the novel here, if that interests you. Anyway, like my request says, I more or less want straight up future fic about Ludo and Sybilla. I want to know what kind of man Ludo becomes, what happens to Sybilla as Ludo grows into an adult, what happens to their relationship. In short, I just want to know more. Whatever you do to fill my insatiable desire to know more more more about these characters will make me happy. Don't feel like you have to match the style of the novel. I will be very impressed if you do, but it's not a dealbreaker for me.

Anyway, Ludo and/or Sybilla future fic! That's my Last Samurai request in a nutshell.

2. Sense8 (Any)

I basically just have a lot of EMOTIONS about the cluster and the experience of being sensate, and would love a fic exploring that. What exactly does it mean, to be part of a cluster? The show did a pretty good job visually showing it, but I'm super fascinated by the what the interiority of the experience is like. The members of the cluster seemed to feel a pretty instant empathy and understanding of each other, what's that like? It's still a pretty new experience for them, how do they continue to adjust to it? How does it influence their relationships with the other people in their life? What happens if, say, Will tells Diego or Lito tells Hernando and Dani? And what's the deal with Yrsa and Jonas's totally different views on being sensate?

I picked Any characters here, so go wild. I'm most interested in the main cluster, but I'm overall fascinated by the whole sensate experience and what it means for any given character's relationships and experience of the world. Any fic exploring that would be great. Shipwise, I'm into all the canon pairings and basically any permutation of the members of the cluster.

My tl;dr thoughts on Sense8 are here. This is a fandom where I sort of feel spoiled for choice in terms of characters I'm interested in, so I picked Any for this request. I love the main cluster and their relationships with each other, you basically can't go wrong picking any given combination of them and smushing them together. I'm also very interested in all the side characters and how they interact with the cluster. I really just want more more more in this universe.

Also, feel free to ignore/vaguely resolve the Whispers issue in the finale!

3. The Dead Authors Podcast (HG Wells, Walt Whitman, Christopher Marlowe)

I just really need HG, Walt Whitman, and Christopher Marlowe to go on hilarious time-travel adventures together, other Dead Author Podcast guests and assorted historical figures optional. I cried with laughter during the Whitman and Marlowe episodes, and just wanted to spend more time with those versions of Whitman and Marlowe, and of course a delightfully exasperated and amused HG. I would also like to see Whitman and Marlowe flirt at each other, because hilarity, but gen is also totally welcome!

Some prompts which you can discard or use at will: maybe Marlowe ropes Whitman and HG into spy shenanigans! Maybe Whitman demands to meet Shakespeare! Heck, maybe they all stay in the time machine and riff on assorted bits of pop culture! Maybe they escape HG and go on adventures in the modern world! Whatever you choose, my true desire for this request is for the lolz. Anything that makes me laugh is welcome.

If you're stumped on some other request we matched on, Dead Authors Podcast is one of the faster things to consume and write something for, fyi. The Christopher Marlowe episode is here, and the Whitman episode here. I love this podcast for its off the wall hilarity and frequently loose interpretation of things like "facts" and "history" and "accuracy." My other favorite episodes are the L. Ron Hubbard episodes, AESOP!, Anne Frank, and Lewis Carrol, if that helps any.

4. Splendor & Misery (Album) (2331, The Computer)

I was absolutely enthralled by this album on first listen, and immediately wanted to know more about 2331 and the Computer, especially how their relationship developed. I am ALL ABOUT human/AI relationships, so I'd love anything exploring that relationship, from either perspective. I also loved the album's end and how open-ended it was without being hopeless. I'd love a fic exploring what happens to them as they continue to travel in space. Do they find anyone? What do they do to pass the time? The stealth Star Trek crossover in the lyrics to "A Better Place" also intrigues me: maybe 2331 ends up in the Federation?

I'd also welcome anything on 2331's backstory: what's his actual name? Where did he come from? Who is he, really?

Honestly, go wild: there's a wealth of possibilities in the story sketched out by this album, and I'm fascinated by basically all of them. I'd only ask that you not go too dark/hopeless.

This space opera rap concept album by clipping (which features Daveed Diggs of Hamilton fame) is less than 40 minutes long, and available for streaming or purchase from all your usual music sources. You can stream it for free on youtube here, and check out the Genius lyric annotations here. My thoughts on this album basically boil down to "SPACE OPERA YESSSSS HUMAN/AI RELATIONSHIP *______* " so...I'm easy to please, here.

This entry was originally posted at http://yasaman.dreamwidth.org/472296.html, with
comments there.


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