This week has been SO LONG. I've been super busy at work, plus I've had a couple nights of shitty sleep, so I feel completely wiped out. And I still have two hours and forty-five minutes left at work. Ugh. All I want is to be in bed with a pint of ice cream and some episodes of True Detective (more on that in a future post when I am actually capable of coherent thought).
At least my favorite shows were back last night?
Elementary was nice,
even if I spent half the episode being super skeeved out by Lestrade. He was just so smarmy and gross, ugh. I also want MOAR JOAN, always more Joan. Sherlock's juvenile sense of humor re cocks amused me though, as did the continuity of him hating Wall Street types and stress baking Yorkshire puddings.
And Community was bittersweet, yet also hilarious.
I felt a resurgence of Jeff/Britta shipping, not gonna lie. Abed and Hickey had an interesting storyline, and I do think it was a welcome change to have Abed interact with a character who wasn't indulging him. I still miss Troy though ;____;
I also found the Chang subplot to be completely hilarious, and a perfect use of Chang. He's best when he's a bizarre counterpoint to the rest of the show, and the whole Sixth Sense who's the real ghost?!? thing was amazing.
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