Yet again, I am late with my Thursday night TV blogging! In my defense, it's because I've been having a social life and marathoning Call the Midwife. (Current thoughts on that: BABIES :D :D :D and lots of sentimental weeping. [Call the Midwife, not my social life.] I'm premenstrual, okay?)
Anyway, last week's Community!
It took me about half the episode to pinpoint that last week's episode was a Fincher homage/parody, but I loved it just fine when I thought it was just a serial killer movie homage. So hilarious and pitch perfect, and the way it was shot (complete with excessive dark green/blue color filtering) was gorgeous. I cackled especially hard at Abed making fun of the "special" detective trope, and Britta and Duncan's attempt at profiling. I didn't mind the Jeff/Annie stuff? I don't ship it, but I do like that their sexual tension hasn't just gone away, it;s just gotten weirder. Also wow, way to drop the Pierce is dead bomb.
And Elementary!
The case was sadly just a lot of exposition, as delightful as it was to learn about Joan's in depth knowledge of the mafia as soap opera. I really enjoyed all the Marcus and Sherlock moments, and that what seemed like Sherlock crossing boundaries and being kind of an asshole was that, but it was also Sherlock pushing Marcus into a confrontation they both needed. On a shallow note: I am disappointed we didn't get a whole episode of Joan and Sherlock in formal wear, because hot damn. They looked good.
I barely paid any attention to last week's Almost Human aside from the Dorian/Kennex interactions, which were charming and funny as usual. I'm beginning to appreciate the hilarity that is both of these assholes being assholes together. This week's Almost Human on the other hand:
I honestly almost stopped watching when Kennex shot that MX's head off. I'm genuinely wondering: am I supposed to find this funny and acceptable? Because I don't. He shot an MX's head off right in front of his robot partner, granted because he was insulting Dorian and being an asshole, but WHAT THE FUCK. I mean, even aside from the gratuitous violence of destroying that MX, it is RUDE and a gratuitous waste of police resources. I hope it comes out of Kennex's paycheck.
And just--I don't get it. Is the show really trying to say that Dorian and the other DRNs are the only "good" robots? Are all the other robots only worthy of pity (sexbots) and contempt or indifference (MXes)? The real world parallels are inescapable and uncomfortable. I really hope Almost Human is going somewhere with this. And that Kennex lays off the ultra-violence, because he's tipped over into unlikeable for me with this. Not sure I can stick with this show, but little moments like that MX reacting to Maldonado and Kennex joking about his destruction of the MX are keeping me hanging on in hope that this is all going somewhere.
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